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Banksy - scum or genius?

So Is Banksy Scum Or Genuis?  

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  1. 1. So Is Banksy Scum Or Genuis?

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My original point was that anyone who likes Banksy and not your everyday street bomber is a complete hypocrite,would you not agree?


Absolutely not. All it means is they like Banksy and not your everyday street bomber. How on earth does that make a person a hypocrite?


I'm an enormous fan of the superbly crafted Alien. Does it make me a hypocrite for not liking trash such as Saw?


Again, you're blurting words that you don't seem to have an understanding of.

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Banksy is not a proper graffiti artist,please do not associate him with us.He's a sell out,and everyone who thinks that his 'work' is amazing yet a simple tag on sign is criminal,are complete hypocrites.


In other words....... i'm extremely jealous of Banksy because he's an extremely intelligent brilliant witty rebellious artist who's capable of doing something totally original, which the vast majority of people can appreciate unlike myself.

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In other words....... i'm extremely jealous of Banksy because he's an extremely intelligent brilliant witty rebellious artist who's capable of doing something totally original, which the vast majority of people can appreciate unlike myself.


Banksy is neither extremely intelligent or original. Some of his stuff is funny, but let's not get too excited...

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I think you all missed my point,please don't jump to conclusions and try and insult my intelligence.


I meant.how can you glorify banksy's illegal work while at the same time complaining about a new tag thats popped up on your street,its EXACTLY the same,regardless of how 'artistic' it is,its still criminal,so don't go around saying how amazing and original banksy is when all he is is the same little petty criminal that you lot love to hate.It doesn't matter how good you think he is,or how crap you think street bombers are,its all the same.


And no Green web,am i anyway jealous of banksy,his work to me is terrible,no real skill to it,simple,print a stencil,cut it out,spray.Nothing involving any can control or creativity.

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I think you all missed my point,please don't jump to conclusions and try and insult my intelligence.


I meant.how can you glorify banksy's illegal work while at the same time complaining about a new tag thats popped up on your street,its EXACTLY the same,regardless of how 'artistic' it is,its still criminal,so don't go around saying how amazing and original banksy is when all he is is the same little petty criminal that you lot love to hate.It doesn't matter how good you think he is,or how crap you think street bombers are,its all the same.


And no Green web,am i anyway jealous of banksy,his work to me is terrible,no real skill to it,simple,print a stencil,cut it out,spray.Nothing involving any can control or creativity.


Not when people are happy to have him do it on their houses it ain't. He doesn't 'do' private property without permission and the public spaces he does do are generally either grotty anyway and benefit from a nice little subversive pic, or politically pointed (my favourite being the 'Designated riot area' around Nelson's Column).

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And no Green web,am i anyway jealous of banksy,his work to me is terrible,no real skill to it,simple,print a stencil,cut it out,spray.Nothing involving any can control or creativity.
Don't quite understand creativity do you?

Difficulty of execution does not in any way make something more creative and simple designs can actually be harder to get right. A cabinet maker friend of mine once commented that the 'simple' modernist stuff is much harder to make look good than the old fancy wodoworking, as the intricacy often hid the flaws in the design and distracted from the poor craftsmanship.

Creativity is as much as what you leave out, as what you put in.


Nearly all graffitti you come across is simply pathetic recycling of other's work and a pale imitation of the actual original subway art in NY.

And I'm saying that as someone who like to photograph interesting graffitti.

Banksy's work not only looks good, is often very funny and can make interesting political points too, which is about as good as art can get, I'd say. He also makes fun of the art world too.

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I think you all missed my point,please don't jump to conclusions and try and insult my intelligence.


I meant.how can you glorify banksy's illegal work while at the same time complaining about a new tag thats popped up on your street,its EXACTLY the same,regardless of how 'artistic' it is,its still criminal,so don't go around saying how amazing and original banksy is when all he is is the same little petty criminal that you lot love to hate.It doesn't matter how good you think he is,or how crap you think street bombers are,its all the same.


And no Green web,am i anyway jealous of banksy,his work to me is terrible,no real skill to it,simple,print a stencil,cut it out,spray.Nothing involving any can control or creativity.


Just wondering as you are an expert at these things....


Is "Mucky Ann" a tagger (or whatever the professionals are called) or are the numerous tags around the place simply plain old fashioned bullying?

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