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Hi Vera,

I used to on live on Milton St. about 50 yds from your grandmothers newsagents shop and remember it well.My cousin Philip lived on Hodgson St just across from St. Silas School which we both attended before going to Greystones. Of the names you quoted I can only recollect the name of Whiting and that was of a boy called David,he may have been Janets brother?

My son Christopher and his wife and two children are flying to Turkey on Monday next for a two weeks stay in Yaliciftlik at the Hapimag Sea Garden Hotel. He is going to visit Bodrum because of its archaeological interest, this will be his second visit,but the first for his family.

Nice to hear from you again-keep in touch.:

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Hello again. How wonderful and such a small world. I work for Thomson/First Choice tour operators at Bodrum airport so your son will be coming through there. Yaliciftlik is a place my fireind has a restaurant and spent many a happy hour on this beach and the sea there is lovely. I work Sunday evenings All day Monday and all day Thursday but as the Sea Garden is not one of our resorts, we dont go that area on our coaches. I live on the very first road down into Bodrum called Dr. Mumtaz Ataman Caddesi, yes and lots of intesting places here. I also have a friend who works for sea garden a fella called Terry - Irish -he sells the trips etc Its so nice to hear from people back home I do get so home sick some days. Please stay in touch I may be able to see your family.

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Hi Roger

Janet Whiting, as was, here. Now Jan Beresford. Finally, somebody from school whose name I recognise. I'd almost given up. Not a sign of anybody in ages and then two come along at once (bit like buses I suppose). I heard from Vera Parker nee Hardwick last week and now you. There's someone called Jack Hewitt and someone called Hetty on the Forum and they certainly seem to know a lot of names from the year I was in, but I don't recognise their names. Perhaps you do, although I think you must have been in the year above me if you left in '58. I left Christmas '59

The David Whiting you mentioned was, or is my cousin and he had or has a sister named Carol. Their dad was my dad's brother and he kept the Vine at the end of Hodgson Street. One of my mates was Christine Marsh and she lived in the end house across from the Vine. She had about 7 brothers and sisters. One of my best mates from school was Judy Milner and she is Vera's cousin.

It would be nice to keep in touch. Regards JanB

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Hi Roger

Janet Whiting, as was, here. Now Jan Beresford. Finally, somebody from school whose name I recognise. I'd almost given up. Not a sign of anybody in ages and then two come along at once (bit like buses I suppose). I heard from Vera Parker nee Hardwick last week and now you. There's someone called Jack Hewitt and someone called Hetty on the Forum and they certainly seem to know a lot of names from the year I was in, but I don't recognise their names. Perhaps you do, although I think you must have been in the year above me if you left in '58. I left Christmas '59

The David Whiting you mentioned was, or is my cousin and he had or has a sister named Carol. Their dad was my dad's brother and he kept the Vine at the end of Hodgson Street. One of my mates was Christine Marsh and she lived in the end house across from the Vine. She had about 7 brothers and sisters. One of my best mates from school was Judy Milner and she is Vera's cousin.

It would be nice to keep in touch. Regards Jan B



Hi Janber

Are you sure Christine Marsh lived opposite the Vine the large Marsh family i remember lived on Young st in the yard below Pickerings cardboard box factory and opposite the chippy at the corner of Bishop st if my memory serves me right Bill Brown was a half brother the others i remember are Steve Marsh and Danny Marsh RIP Steve is the same age as myself Danny was younger by about two years Bill was older the names of the girls just don't register with me such a long time ago now :huh: .

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Hi Jack

Yes, Christine definitely lived across from the Vine when I knocked about with her. They could have moved later. A girl named Kath Fowler (who we also knocked about with for a time) lived somewhere near Pickerings but I can,t remember the name of the road.

I remember Steve's name from the Marsh clan and I think Chris had a brother called Tony who was a year younger than her but, Tempis Fugit and the memory fades as to the names of the rest of them. Regards.

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Hi Jack

Yes, Christine definitely lived across from the Vine when I knocked about with her. They could have moved later. A girl named Kath Fowler (who we also knocked about with for a time) lived somewhere near Pickerings but I can,t remember the name of the road.

I remember Steve's name from the Marsh clan and I think Chris had a brother called Tony who was a year younger than her but, Tempus Fugit and the memory fades as to the names of the rest of them. Regards.


Hi Janbar

Back again Kath Fowler lived on Bishop st in the same yard as the Williamson family another large family Frank,Roy,Graham Keith to name a few of the lads plus Roger Kay who i don't think you will remember him being a few years younger Bishop st is the st that runs between Wicks DIY store and the Manpower service building as it stands now back then Bishop st with the junction of Young st stood a chip shop and at the side built into the wall was a cage with a monkey in it do you remember a girl called Pamela Clarke i seem to think she hung around with Kath Fowler and another girl called Jean Hancock who lived on Michale rd who i knew very well back then back to the Marsh family it looks like they might be two different families i don't remember a Tony within the one i know i hope that helps you TAKE CARE.

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Hi Jack

Thanks for that. You're probably right about there being two families. I don't remember Roger Kay but I certainly remember Pamela Clarke and Jean Hancock. Unleass I'm totally mistaken, Jean was a tiny little thing. Tony might not have been called Marsh. Two or three of the kids had different fathers I think. Regards

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Hi Jack

Thanks for that. You're probably right about there being two families. I don't remember Roger Kay but I certainly remember Pamela Clarke and Jean Hancock. Unless I'm totally mistaken, Jean was a tiny little thing. Tony might not have been called Marsh. Two or three of the kids had different fathers I think. Regards


Back again Janber

That's right JEAN was a bit on the small side i am in fact Godfather to her first son Alan but not seen any of the family for many many years the last time i saw Jean she was working at the N G Hospital but that is close on to 20yrs ago now as for PAM that is even longer must have been in the late 80s i last saw her she was the landlady at the Little Mesters pub in the Broomhall area hope that helps TAKE CARE.

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  • 8 months later...

pvc123. I remember you and your family very well! Your brother went to St Oswalds youth club, and I knew your mun and dad, Nita aand Lawrence. Your mum was quite a character!! Last time I saw you was some years ago at the Whirlow Hall farm September Fayre.. Hope you are keeping well.

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