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Greystones sec mod school


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Paul Mangle was in my class, think Kath Fowler was too. Miss Hornsey was the French teacher, do you remember the following;

Mrs Harrison

Mr Grenville

Mrs Marsden

Mr Morgan

Mr Wragg

Mr Watson

Mrs McDonald

Mr Renshaw

Miss Howson

Mr Newton

Mr Turley

Miss Hartley

Mrs Robinson (school sec)


I hated school, but cried like a baby the day I left!! Do you remember Mr Aizlewood always called out 'girlie/laddie stop running/walking /breathing' etc!!!!


Hi Hetty back again yes once again you have jogged my memory i remember mr Grenville,mr Wragg,mr Renshaw, mr Newton & mr Turley plus the head mr Aizlewood i remember " you laddie" very well plus he always took a run up when administering the slipper outside his office in the coridder i think i was a regular visitor to his office for that exercise i believe he started out as a six footer until i arrived at Greystones all that running with the slipper wore him down to around 5ft 6in Paul Mangle was a very big friend of mine but lost contact with him in the 70s and would love to get back in contact if anyone could give me any information his brother Eric was better known for some other issues which i wont name on web sites like you i also hated school even more so the last term my birthday fell in the summer months so i could not leave until mid summer when most of my school mates left at easter then all got into instant work earning cash while i was still at school needless to say the word WAGGING comes to the front of my mind do you also remember Pamela Clark & Jean Hancock they were big friends with each other just like they were joined by a piece of elastic Twing & Twang i used to call them.

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I was 15 in November 1960, and left school at Christmas. No qualifications, but I have done alright for myself!!! Right on the front row when they were giving out common sense which has always stood me in good stead!

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did anyone go to greystones school in ecclesall sheffield i was there for my last school year 1961/62 friends i remember are janice reed,janet golland,carol whiting,david pegg,albert price,ray price,walter lowe,to mention a few


hi wendy i went greystones,left62.was you any relation to kenny lee,lived in pearl st. i lived just a few doors up from him,iknow david, albert,ray.we went about together.

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hi wendy i went greystones,left62.was you any relation to kenny lee,lived in pearl st. i lived just a few doors up from him,i know david, albert,ray.we went about together.


Hi Given i also know the names that you mentioned i live in the W/Midlands now but i believe Kenny Lee still lives on the Lansdowne flats at the bottom of Cemetery rd Mick Lee sadly passed away a few years ago RIP i was friends with both of them but big mates with Mick Albert Price now lives in the Mansfield area and is just recovering from the BIG C like myself i'm still in contact with Albert as for Ray Price he was one of my biggest friends but sadly lost contact many years ago if anyone can get me back in contact i would be most grateful if you lived on Pearl st did you know Keith Whittingham his dad ran a milk round i believe and also the Parrot family that lived next door to the Prince of Wales pub as for Peggy wot a character i can remember him keeping every one in the Vine pub on Hodgson st under siege with a air rifle from his bedroom window :loopy: .

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hello janet its dave bolton i came up from st silas i knew dereck marriot and douglas stevenson was born next cot to mine in nether edge hospital i was very quite and shy quite tall douglas if any body picked on me sorted em out for me. he was a foot smaller than me. do u remember malolm simpson he was the only one with the girls in school choir he had a high pitched voice cant remember what form iwas in but usually in c or b classes i thought head teacher mr aizlewood was a lovely man. nice memories. did u go down to encks park at dinnertime regards dave.

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me again yes remember francis fairbrother and kath fowler i once chucked a banger firework through theire door stupid thing to do if anyone did that to me know well trouble is her sister was pregnant at time by the way used to play doctors and nurses with kathleen i never got used to that nurses uniform ha ha.

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Hi katedave, nice to hear from you. I'm sorry I don't remember you, but if you were shy that's probably why. Dougie was a right little scrapper but good fun. He could sing too. I seem to remember someone saying he went training to be a jockey when he left school but I don't know how true that is. Yes, there was a gang of us who used to go to Encks at dinnertime to swing in the tree tops. We also used to stop at the railings on Bingham Park Road for a crafty fag. You must be one of the few who liked old Aizlewood. I really hated that man. Mind you, I was forever on his radar.

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Hi Dave, Just reading about you and Kath, naughty naughty. I'm sure our paths must have crossed but I've racked my brains and I still can't remember. It must be the old age thing. Kath and me used to knock about together for a while. She's still around. Have seen her mentioned on the Forum. Malcom Simpson's name is familiar but I can't put a face to him. Take care, Jan

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Hi Jack, just been replying to katedave and saw your reply to Hetty. Dave seems to think Aizlewood was a lovely man. Must have been another Aizledwood. Your memories of him are the same as mine. UGH!!! I do remember most of the teachers though. Liked Mr Grenville. When we first went up to Greystones he took 3B until we were all sorted into forms, then he took us for history. Mr Wragg was lovely, think he took us for maths. I was in his 11+ class at Pomona Street. Couldn't stand the sight of McDonald and Morgan wasn't much better. I do remember all the girls were mad on Mr Turley the art teacher. You've probably guessed by now, I also hated school.

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