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Pitsmoor as seen by Google

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sorry but this is about pitsmoor again. I left sheffield many years ago, around fifty. I lived on edgar st. from 45 until 56. I went on google earth recently and viewed pitsmoor from on high. It has certainly changed. I saw a lot of green and I hope that it is as pleasent to live in as it looks from a few hundred metres. Some one on the forum said that they have cleared the slums in pitsmoor . Good for them and I suppose they are best gone and that hindsight is better through rose coloured specs. how ever the memories linger and they are not the memories of living in a slum or being deprived of anything, they are the memories of youth and vigour. The dirty streets were our playground with the odd sojourn to smiths field or the wreck at the end of edgar st. for football or cricket. After school there was the play centre , anyone out there remember them? For the life of me I can`t remember the name of the school where the play centre was but it was a handy place for winter evenings. And of course there was sutherland road baths, remember the bath tickets given out at school? I think they allowed you to swim for half the normal price.Ok I know, enough already just one more thing. How is it that the excuse for kids getting in trouble today is often said to be because they are bored, computers, television and even money to spend seem to leave them wanting something more. In a way, I as a child, had a better life in the forties and fifties than the kids of today, the streets may have been grimy, shoes sometimes may have had holes in them and money to spend may have been little but we played until we were ready to drop and we had the pleasure of growing up without all the pressures of today. Just one more thing,the back door of our house could be opened without a key but we never felt unsafe. It seems incredible to me now that we all slept safely in our beds or left the house unattended with a lock that could be opened with a nail, as used in wood, and that nobody ever bothered about being broken into. I now live in a respectable neighbourhood, the streets are quiet and life is pleasent and in the eighteen years that I have lived here I have witnessed nothing but concord but just a quarter of a mile away a daughter stabbed her father to death, drugs involved I believe, and I avoid the city center at night and the back door certainly cannot be opened with a nail.

night all.

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When I show people of where I lived in Pitsmoor (High rise flats on Andover Street) they always grimace,but as you say it was a good place to grow up. Playing footy and cricket on the rec until it was too dark to see or just sitting around talking. Can't do it these days for many reasons but as someone said on the radio the other day a big reason is a common sign saying No Ball Games Allowed.

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When I show people of where I lived in Pitsmoor (High rise flats on Andover Street) they always grimace,but as you say it was a good place to grow up. Playing footy and cricket on the rec until it was too dark to see or just sitting around talking. Can't do it these days for many reasons but as someone said on the radio the other day a big reason is a common sign saying No Ball Games Allowed.


Ill second that. I grew up in Pitsmoor, and alot of my family lived there for years. There was a park near some garages behind Andover Street, cant remember the name of the road now, but we'd be on there, just chilling out not doing anything wrong, till the early hours. Ah, they were the days my friend :D

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Darra Are You Talking About The 60s If So Can You Remember Some Of The Lads Names And Going And Standing On The Loco Steps On Saturday And Sunday Night Listening To The Turns On The Stage


There are quite a few names mentioned on here in other threads. I was 5 when I moved to pitsmoor in 1960.Post a few names to see if they ring any bells.

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castley you mention Sutherland road, well i lived there in the 1970s even then it was a great place to live. I was a teenager then but we had lots of fun hanging round places like the wembley just down from the baths. Around that time i got my first record player, wow i thought. Well how things have changed all the technology and the kids now never seem contempt. Pitsmoor in general must have once been a wealthy place as you only have to look at the size of some of those houses. I can imagine some even had servents as there so big. These houses were mostly split into bedsit type accommodation in later years as i know my parents started their life together in such places. Some people might disagree but life has become to fast and complex, however we must move on lol.

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There are quite a few names mentioned on here in other threads. I was 5 when I moved to pitsmoor in 1960.Post a few names to see if they ring any bells.


Have I really known you that long !!!!! :help::help: :hihi::hihi:


It was always a pleasure to know you mate :):)

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Darra Just A Few Names To See If Thay Ring Any Bells Stewart Topham/amid Cassim/louie And Ted Devine/ronnie Jackson/albert Daley/roger Barrs/ian Wells David Mcloughlon/reg Allen/david Smith/stewart Halliwell There Was Others But I Can Not Remember

Was a girl in my class called Bernadette Devine,a lad called Lawrence Abbot, Judith Gilbert,Martin Garfitt I knew a David smith who went to Hinde House,Ian Lemons,Tony Wilde,Colin Gunstone,Graham Beachell,Shaun Flannagan,Martin Manterfield,Steve Revill,There was a lad called Ray can't remember his surname,Pat Beresford,Alan who used to do up the cars then get nicked for speeding (before points meant you lost your licence)

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