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Was a girl in my class called Bernadette Devine,a lad called Lawrence Abbot, Judith Gilbert,Martin Garfitt I knew a David smith who went to Hinde House,Ian Lemons,Tony Wilde,Colin Gunstone,Graham Beachell,Shaun Flannagan,Martin Manterfield,Steve Revill,There was a lad called Ray can't remember his surname,Pat Beresford,Alan who used to do up the cars then get nicked for speeding (before points meant you lost your licence)


Was it Ray Hammond you had in mind ?

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Thats the one remembered another steve carter


there seems to have been quite a lot of us, if you're like me, every time you think of those days you find someone else. Kev Richardson, Gary Wainwright, Shaun Neely, Howard Adams, Dave & Alf Oliver, to name just a few. What about the young lad that got killed (knocked down on Nottingham St). If I remember correctly his name was Craig, about 9 yrs old, good footballer, Wednesday were already interested in him. Then the old lads, Billy Griffin, Dave White. Anybody remember this lot ?

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Darra Just A Few Names To See If Thay Ring Any Bells Stewart Topham/amid Cassim/louie And Ted Devine/ronnie Jackson/albert Daley/roger Barrs/ian Wells David Mcloughlon/reg Allen/david Smith/stewart Halliwell There Was Others But I Can Not Remember


Did Ronnie Jackson have 3 kids called Adrian, Lyndsey and Tim? And was his wife called Margaret?

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  • 2 months later...

Darra, I know some of the people you are on about Ian Lemmons for one,Colin Gunstone for anotherand Martin Manterfield( he had a brother called David) if its the same one. Isee Ian quite a lot and Colin is married to a girl I used to work with.

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Who are you then Chunky?

I'm Frank Lingard had a brother called Gordon and used to live in the high rise flats next to the rec.Say hello to Ian from me.


Hi Frank, didm't realise it was you, I was constantly taking clothes and curtains up to your flat on the 4th floor for your Mother to take up, she was nifty on a sewing machine.

For the record on names I was up at a mates house last week and who was in there hadn't seen him for 30+ years, George Afflick.

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Was a girl in my class called Bernadette Devine,a lad called Lawrence Abbot, Judith Gilbert,Martin Garfitt I knew a David smith who went to Hinde House,Ian Lemons,Tony Wilde,Colin Gunstone,Graham Beachell,Shaun Flannagan,Martin Manterfield,Steve Revill,There was a lad called Ray can't remember his surname,Pat Beresford,Alan who used to do up the cars then get nicked for speeding (before points meant you lost your licence)


Hi Darra, know all these names from Infant Shool as classmates throughout my time at Pye Bank, am sure I used to sit next to Martin Garfitt in Miss Smarts class.

I also remember Steve (fanny) Carter, Brian Guy (dad had shop across road from Christ Church), Gary Bell, Ricky Searnay (not sure of spelling), and who remembers Steve Colton, lived near The Highway, along with Ian (cherry) Lemons probably the best two footballers at Pye Bank Infants,(always wanted one of them on your side) and the Alan you mentioned will be, Alan Roberts.

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