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Is Sheffield Midland Station haunted?

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Does anybody know if Sheffield Midland Railway Station is supposed to be haunted at all?

I had a (maybe) spooky experience on one of the platforms several years ago, but have never heard anything about a ghost fitting the description of my "ghost".

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O.K. at the risk of it being a big anti climax, 'cos nothing really happens, this is what happened.

About 20 years myself, my girlfriend and her friend went to Manchester on the train. While they were deep in conversation I amused myself wandering up and down the platform. After I while I noticed a policeman coming in the opposite direction. I started to feel guilty, even though I've never been a bad boy, and looked straight ahead as we passed each other I watched him out of the corner of my eye and I noticed he was doing the same to me, but not in any sort of malevolent way.

I noticed he had a ruddy complexion, bushy ginger side burns, was a bit chubby and wasn't that much taller than myself (I'm 5'7"). I remember thinking something like, ooh, he's styled himself on a Victorian look. A bit odd for a copper, but not absurd I don't think, after all my girlfriend And I were into rockabilly and were dressed in 50's styles.

After a few seconds I turned round to have another look and he was nowhere to be seen. He moves fast for big bloke I thought, because there weren't any places on the platform he could've ducked into. I went back to my gf and her friend and asked if they'd seen him, but of course they hadn't. I looked around, but didn't see him again.

The way I remember it now is that he was wearing a full Victorian police uniform, but that could be a detail my memory has added over the years. It was day light and not in anyway spooky at all.


Over the years I wondered if he was just a policeman who just happened to have a bit on an antique face, or if he'd wandered off a film set elsewhere on the station or if he really was a ghost.

Like I said nothing really happened.

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Im usually on Sheffield station twice a week, heading to and from Manchester but not heard or read anything about this 'ghost' before.


What platform/area were you on at the time?


I think it was platform 9-3/4 :|

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