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Story: 'The Letter.'


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Don't despair Tallyman, I'm sure you will find some inspiration before the month is out. SK's trail-blazing effort has given me some ideas in any case.


SK, I enjoyed this story. It has an air of quality that seems to surround all your work.


As Mantaspook pointed out, I think it would have been even more effective had I not known the monthly theme. But then how could we write stories around a theme without knowing what it is? So it was unavoidable, in my opinion.


Tallyman pointed out to me last month that names are important and can influence the perception of a character. I thought "Gangling Graham" was well chosen, as I do associate the name Graham with someone who is a bit nerdy. Although in Claire's eyes he was a bit of a heart-throb by all accounts - what was she thinking?


Did Steve also bump their mum off, by the way, as that was the impression I got? Or did she expire in some other way - perhaps an accident involving a motorised wheelchair?

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Thank you for all your comments. It's nice to know I've got people thinking :)


I am now working on the sequel to this story, where Claire, driving a motorised wheelchair, helps Steve break out of prison (after he's overcome the psychologist and put on her clothes), but the game is up when Steve gets one of Ann's high heels caught in a grating and Claire accidently runs over him with the wheelchair. I want to end the story with the original phrase "And they all lived happily ever after" but haven't worked out how to get there yet. I'll keep you posted :)

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The sequel sounds very lively, SK, and would certainly transpose nicely into film format. At some point in the future, I can imagine the scene you describe being included in "100 Funniest Moments from TV and Film".


Can I be an extra? I could wear my Hercules Poirot moustache and tight pants.

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