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What do you miss in Sheffield that used to be here but now is gone?

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This is a cracking thread. I echo many of the things already mentioned. Redgates (people dont get it if not from sheff), the top splash at sheaf.


Its interesting how fondly we remember the hole in the road when in reality, along with its subways, it was an intimidating wee smelling cave.


some of mine;

machines on buses you put coins in which are then printed on the ticket.

chips and gravy from Beres on old penistone road.

seeing father christmas at the big co op

sheffield show in hillsborough park it was massive-we would climb over the wall.

hillsborough baths

rag parade

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I miss

the big fish in the tank at hole in road

dangling feet in fountain on Fargate on hot summers

fish and chips in news paper

Maces pet store at Castle Market.

Rebina shoe shop(boy did I make my mum fork out for shoes) :)

Cider lollies ( they're not the same now):(

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Originally posted by Herbert

some of mine;

machines on buses you put coins in which are then printed on the ticket.

Videmat machines!,


superb.. We used to throw just a half pence in to get a ticket on way to school, but you had to chuck it in because they were too light.

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Def bendy buses, whatever happened to those?

The hole in the road - used to love going with my nan to see the fish

The alligator in Orchard Square (when it was working) and trying to throw money in its mouth!

The two plastic people on the side of Orchard Square that used to come and work their tools on the hour (it's still there but hasn't worked in years!)

Sheaf Market - well the sweetie shop that was open in there, they did a fantastic 10p mix and those sweetie dummys covered in sugar :), apparently the people that owned it won the lottery just before the market was closed.

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I havent lived in England for 17 years and its been some time since I visited family in Sheffield:o I just didn't realise that things have changed so much! Are there any markets left in sheffield at all now?My Dad used to work for SYPTE and he would take us to work with him when we were little and we used to ride around on his bus all day.What I wouldn't give to do this again:)

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Originally posted by gazelle

Rebina shoe shop(boy did I make my mum fork out for shoes) :)


My sister got all her shoes from there, with long pointed toes that she kept tripping over. I remember buying stuff from Harringtons in the market, and I had my ear pierced in the little jewelery shop in the corner of the Shef market when I was 15, it cost £2 I think, my mum went mental and made me take it out.

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Originally posted by Herbert

machines on buses you put coins in which are then printed on the ticket.


They still have those in Wolverhampton!


Originally posted by KirstyB

The two plastic people on the side of Orchard Square that used to come and work their tools on the hour (it's still there but hasn't worked in years!)


They came out the other week when I was in Orchard Square....

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That book shop on Sharrow Vale that was spread over four floors (inc cellar and attic) which always smelled of lemons.


The woman who ran it always had a bowl of sweets on the counter ans bon mots were written on bits of card and pinned all over the shop.


It was, in my opinion, Sheffield's finest second-hand book shop.

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