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What do you miss in Sheffield that used to be here but now is gone?

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  • Hole in the road.

  • Goodwin Fountain - replaced by annoying people with clipboards asking you whether on a scale of 1 to 10, your dog likes its food.

  • Beatties on Pinstone Street - and that bloke with the beard who knew everything worth knowing about radio-controlled cars and rockets (sure i've seen him working in Jessops on Commercial Street since).

  • Suggs Sports on Castle Street - remember buying my first goalie top from there.

  • Bendybuses without doubt - standing on the rotating platform in the middle was better than any fairground ride!:thumbsup:

  • The old cream and coffee coloured Dennis SYPTE buses that had decent leg room and a proper overhead pull wire for the bell. Dennis Bus

  • Open public toilets.


Oh, and Sheffield Wednesday not being in the Premiership!

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The Gaumont cinema where if you went into the basement of the car park across the road and under a tunnel it brought you out through one of the fire doors in the cinema and you could watch the film for free :-)[/b]


wow I wish I had known about that 25 years ago........spent a fortune seeing films there

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Originally posted by Pistol Pete

  • Hole in the road.

  • Goodwin Fountain - replaced by annoying people with clipboards asking you whether on a scale of 1 to 10, your dog likes its food.

  • Beatties on Pinstone Street - and that bloke with the beard who knew everything worth knowing about radio-controlled cars and rockets (sure i've seen him working in Jessops on Commercial Street since).

  • Suggs Sports on Castle Street - remember buying my first goalie top from there.

  • Bendybuses without doubt - standing on the rotating platform in the middle was better than any fairground ride!:thumbsup:

  • The old cream and coffee coloured Dennis SYPTE buses that had decent leg room and a proper overhead pull wire for the bell. Dennis Bus

  • Open public toilets.


Oh, and Sheffield Wednesday not being in the Premiership!


Was going to post with all that in mind! Spooky! Or maybe they truely are the most missed things in Sheffield...


I'll add to "The Hole in the Road" - "The fishtank in the hole in the road"

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Hudson's music at Moorfoot. What a wonderful place that was. The upstairs was crammed with trumpets, cornets sheetmusic, and downstairs was all rock guitars, spares for them and other stuff. Best music shop I've ever been in, that was. Although they stil had a branch in central chesterfield a few years ago, don't know if it's still there.

All the staff were real experts in their field, you could get any obscure musical instrument related item there.

All the children taking up music would go there to get their first recorders, and tutor books.


The whole of moorfoot precinct looks pointless and bare without it, even after all these years.

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What I miss...


Dixons Chippy , London Road...fine fish & chips served with loving care by George and Amy Dixon ...


Cream and Brown Buses run by SYT and 10p fares into town....oh for the days of cheap subsidised clean efficent public transport!!!!


Alpine Pop


Bob Jackson playing brass band music before the final whistle on Radio Sheffield Saturday Sport


Fine Fare at Firth Park


Getting the Score on 194 - via Radio Hallam Sportacular ('cos me dad worked on it !)


Western Jean Company


Lock In's on a Saturday night at the Cricket Inn , Totley :-)


Tommy the fishman and his cry of "Sheeeeeelfissssssssh!" every Friday night as he entered with his basket of food into the Cross Scythes, Totley

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Originally posted by bigdave1

Tommy the fishman and his cry of "Sheeeeeelfissssssssh!" every Friday night as he entered with his basket of food into the Cross Scythes, Totley

He used to come in the Abbey as well.

He was quick on the draw with the vinnegar.


Did it say super cockle on his back?

I think he had a little lock-up at Banner Cross but some kids burned it down, someone told me, but I am happy to be corrected.

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Originally posted by nick2

There used to be a bar, the entrance was on the High Street, that was below ground, under where Blacks hiking shop is now I think, I can't remeber what it was called but I remember falling down the stairs one night and getting a free pint.


What was that bar called ?


That bar was called Legends.

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Decent Christmas decorations in town.


Wading through a cold shallow pool of water to wash your feet before you got to the main pool at Sheaf Valley Baths.


Cairo's Jax


2.00 am buses home,fell asleep many atime on that service.


House of Fraser,Redgates,Habitat,Food court in Orchard Square,decent shops down at Haymarket(castlegate)Decent shops down the bottom of the Moor.


The free City Clipper Bus Service


Midland Bank


cheap..er council tax


Millhouses lido


Decent local newspaper


2 Postal deliveries


Fletchers bakery vans


The lights shaped like a Xmas tree on the side of the Hallam tower hotel.


Decent gigs at Don Valley Stadium


The Grey coloured trams and their validating machines(jesting)


YTV's Christmas line on Leeds 448199 !!

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Butler's cafe, near Jessops Hospital.


Their meat and potato pie was superb.


The place was a bit rudimentary, but the food was top draw and cheap.


I think Picasso once had a meal there.


The women who served the food called Yorkshire Puddings 'Yorks' if my memory serves me well.

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