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What do you miss in Sheffield that used to be here but now is gone?

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Hi Tim


You have admit though that pulling Kelvin Flats down was the only option open to anyone! They just couldn't stay up any longer.


As someone - who used to live in Park Hill Flats - said to me only last week about Kelvin Flats:-


Kelvin Flats? Groan – I’ve seen better slums in Cairo … or the West Bank!





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Originally posted by sheffexpat

Sheffield used to have a character of its own---as did most cities up to about the '70's.It definitely had a smell of its own ! Sulphur' I think


I miss the smell of barley or hops, or whatever it was, emitting from the brewery at lady's bridge.

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might be a bit old for some but had some strange journeys on the old number 17 bus, it seemed to go the same journey as the no2 and 59 but via outer mongolia took about a week to get from concord park to hillsborough. Also miss the Sheffield show in Hillsborough park, with power cables hanging in the trees, and the main avenue of stalls including the man who made potato crisp type fried things his tasted great so you bought a box when you got home they just went soggy in the chip pan, ( sorry it would be a deep fat fryer now) also had a stall that did paintings on a very fast spinning potters wheel you put on a blob of oil paint and it spun around and made a mad splatter picture. Both radio stations would be in the park radio sheffield with all the grannies sitting waiting for something to happen and radio hallam 194 MW playing banging tunes into the park with kelly temple and keith skues,


Does anyone also remember a late ngiht and all day food joint called GGs on sutherland street, taxi drivers moblile DJs and musos all night with workmen in all day, used to go for about 15 years then got a job as a bread man and had to deliver their bread, didnt put me off chese pie and chips made on site by the owner gladys melted in the mouth,


lots of people remembered redgates what about the old wigfalls shops and queing under the alleyway at the side of cockaynes to get into the gaumont


what about busses with ticket machines on that you threw you money into and had to press a button so it took a picture of your money kids saved up 1p and 2 p coins so they got a long ticket bus fairs then were fair 10p from most places got you into the city centre.


also remember leaving school and being due to start work at a company called hadfields down by tinsley viaduct, my job vanished as the company closed down, and now its the M place. God ihate the M place.

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Redgates - go round Sunwin House for those who never got the chance and imagine three whole floors of toys.... bliss


Toys'r'us just doesn't have the same feel....


I remember winning a subbuteo contest in Redgates - took all day and by the end of it my finger was sore and I had to have the following monday off school :)


Great days

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Guest bostonaire

the terminus cafe that was in the bus station near the s.u.t office.....

all red plastic walls with pics of busses on them.. scruffy vinegar bottles and mucky tea cups...cigarettes stubbed out on tables and plates........disgusting now but back then .....why didnt we ever complain!???:confused:

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One thing I miss is the old Berni Inn that used to be in Exchange Street in the late1970's/early1980.


It was called "The Old No.12". Can anyone explain why it was called that :?:


(I think its now called the City Tavern).


I used to go down there with my fiancee and her family for a Saturday night out. We used to get there about 8:00pm and didn't get back home until 11:45pm.


One thing I distinctly remember is that they used to have wall lights around the resturant on the first floor that had neon bulbs which flickered like candles.


After I moved back to Bournemouth, I went out and got some bulbs just like those - and 25 years later they still work and still look attactive in the wall lights. A very restful orange/red glow when the main lights are switched off.


.....................Wot a sad 'ol git eh?? :loopy:





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Regarding redgates:

I remember going there as a child with my uncle every saturday afternoon, it was fantastic all those toys. do you remember the lego statues just inside the doorway, I think one was a knight and if i remember rightly a dinosaur.

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