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What do you miss in Sheffield that used to be here but now is gone?

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ABC cinema- wonderful place.

Sheaf Baths.

Mobile vans coming round our way, when you need a loaf or teabags.

Buses that had much more room for sitting on.

Old No 12 - had the best fillet steak ever in that place. (early 70's)

And how Pond Street used to be so busy.


Great read.

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Cheap public transport, and Millhouses Park and Longley Park open air baths, and the Mojo club and the Esquire and the cricket pitch at Bramhall Lane (I used to be a ball boy). Oh and Mace's original pet shop at the market.

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I miss the strange subterranean world of the underpasses and the Hole in the Road...particularly the fishtank.

Nuff said :thumbsup:


I also miss this old building which every one seemed to call the "colton" on Eastern Avenue, I think it used to be an old lamp factory before turning into a cinema and me and my old mates used to go exploring in it when we were kids.

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Nuff said :thumbsup:


I also miss this old building which every one seemed to call the "colton" on Eastern Avenue, I think it used to be an old lamp factory before turning into a cinema and me and my old mates used to go exploring in it when we were kids.


Wrong way round, serenity... I lived opposite it for many years. It was called The Carlton.


It was purpose-built, as a cinema in the thirties.


It was architecturally quite interesting, as it was one of the first to be built in concrete, and was unique in it's style.


It was known as the "Icebox" as it was so flipping cold in there.


After it fell into disuse, as a cinema, it became a lamp warehouse. it then became abandoned, and fell into dreadful disrepair. Local yobs set fires in it, many times, and, as a result, it became structurally unsound, and very dangerous.


This did not stop the youths from breaking in, repeatedly, and running, yes running round the parapets of the building, throwing roofing down at passers-by. I had to call the police many times, because of the kids getting inside, and the danger they were in.


Eventually, after a big campaign in the area, the couoncil took action, and got the building demolished. A housing association purchased the land, and built a new oap-flats complex called Carlton Mews on the land.



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  • 6 months later...
All those wonderfull buildings that was demolished in the name of ''progress''. So, so many. WHY! Just because they were old? NO! They just looked so beautiful.


By the way! Ikea are bringing out flat pack houses, no kidding. No doubt this council will be a major customer. They should have allowed Ikea to have set up in sheffield. They could have saved a fortune of councils, oh! sorry! our money in transportation fees from there warehouse



Funny I said something on similar lines and got slated:mad:

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