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What do you miss in Sheffield that used to be here but now is gone?

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i miss the hole in the road , c&a , sheaf market, rag and tag market in fact i wish i could turn the clock back to 1970 and go and relish in the old streets and the atmosphere there was at that time . it was so special i never would have guessed it would turn out like this. i hate sheffield now ,what it has become. i miss the old sheffield it was great .:mad:

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i miss the hole in the road , c&a , sheaf market, rag and tag market in fact i wish i could turn the clock back to 1970 and go and relish in the old streets and the atmosphere there was at that time . it was so special i never would have guessed it would turn out like this. i hate sheffield now ,what it has become. i miss the old sheffield it was great .:mad:


I have been very lucky to have had jobs which have sent me to quite a number of cities around the world, but I would give anything just to walk around old Sheffield as it was when I was a kid in the 60's - especially at Christmas - an atmosphere like no other place I have visited.


The shops - the lights - the people - cannot think of words to describe it - and getting quite emotional

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to nip back in time to about the late 1950s to mid 1960s. Not necessarily because things were better then in Sheffield, but simply because this is how I remember things to be back then when I was a little lad wearing grey knee-length socks, short trousers, sleeveless wooly-pully, school cap at a jaunty angle, and dufflecoat whenever the temperature went below 'room temperature'.


Cambridge Arcade. Don't have a clue what they sold in there, but remember getting dragged in there regularly by my mum.


Pond Street before the platforms were covered over. Used to 'spot' SUT coaches parked up at the nearest platform to Rodgers works.


Norfolk Market Hall. Remember clearly the cacti stall just inside. :huh:


Being allowed to 'tip' the tram seats for the conductor at termini.


Jumping from buses before they stopped, and getting it wrong on occasion.


Being allowed to empty the 'used ticket' bin on bus rear platforms to see if there's a ticket you haven't got in your collection.


The Moor when it was a traffic thoroughfare. Believe it or not, there was more room for pedestrians back them because the right of way wasn't blocked by various beggars, fly pitchers, mothers with multi prams stood yacking, or numpties with brollies up whilst standing under awnings.:rolleyes:


Coppers on point duty. Traffic only being stopped when necessary, not simply because the sequence states it must.


All cars were black or two-tone green back then, weren't they?:suspect:


Burgundy council lorries. :clap:


Blokes on motorbikes smoking pipes, wearing round crash helmets with chin straps flapping in the wind and gaberdine macs, whilst arguing with their missus who is sitting embarrassed in the sidecar.


Blokes queueing for buses. All with coats over their arms - just incase - and some sort of hat on.


Kids drooling over the latest Dinky toy. A burgundy and cream Hillman Minx.

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Hi sirglyn


You mentioned 2 items I can relate to one is Vilot Mays at the bottom of Duke Street, what an Aladins Cave, and the Market Hall with Tripe, dont forget the Cowheal on the same stall most of it came from the tripe factory on Soaphouse Lane Woodhouse the stall next to it was the Cockel and Whelk stall and there was also the Crab stall where the crabs were boiled on site and you could and still cannot get a fresher boiled crab.


Sheffield has a lot of qualities the trouble is you only miss them when you have left



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