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What do you miss in Sheffield that used to be here but now is gone?

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All you unfortunates who missed sheffield in the 50s have no idea how different things were then.

Dances at the Glossop,City Hall Abbeydale,Locarno,Nether edge

and many more.

The ability to walk anywhere in town in safety.

To be able to walk up Ecclesall Rd to Endcliffe Park after seeing a film at the Star cinema.

Oh what memories


my mum worked at the star blond lady in the koisk,do you remember'we used to go in the pub next door the devonshire i think

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  • 4 months later...

I don't live in Sheffield any longer, but have visited many times and the thing I missed most was that back in the 60's a Saturday night round the pubs in the City centre was great fun and safe.

Nowadays the City centre seems to be a "no-go" zone.

Soaring crime rates,drug dealers and muggers!

What has happened to a place so friendly?

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I don't live in Sheffield any longer, but have visited many times and the thing I missed most was that back in the 60's a Saturday night round the pubs in the City centre was great fun and safe.

Nowadays the City centre seems to be a "no-go" zone.

Soaring crime rates,drug dealers and muggers!

What has happened to a place so friendly?


I think it is maybe our age and a conception that we have or feel. When I was in my teens we always went to pubs in the city, must admit there were some I would never set foot in, and my mother was always onto me to be careful as the city was not a safe place be especially on a Saturday night. I think maybe she still was remembering the gangs that were present in the 30's and although the police force cleaned them up she still thought it was as bad.

I found myself in the city last November on a Saturday night and at first was quite apprahensive, what with all these coloured folk around. (I left in 1964) but then thinking aboout it afterwards I thought, hell no one took any notice of me they were just enjoying themselves similar to when we were lads in the city.

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Just flicking through this thread and got hooked.!!

Oh my God, I had forgotten about the donut machine at woolies, they also had a foto machine at the Dixon Lane entrance!

I miss Wards bookshop on chapel Walk, that fired my lifelong interest in reading!

Can anyone remember a joint of meat in the butchers window in Dixon lane?It was due to be collected, but no one turned up for it, so it stayed in the window and eventually turned into leather!

The Golden egg restaurant in Fargate which did wonderful egg and chips!

I miss the illuminations at Christmas when they were really extravagant and EVERYONE used to turn out for the 'Switch on'.

Miss pubs that I went in as a girl, West street pubs, like the saddle and Hallamshire, pubs like the Old Blue Bell where we used to start off the night.Pubs that had never HEARD of serving coffee and grub!!

I do miss the mucky old steelworks, the buses with open backs and the transfer of 'Sheffield Transport' proudly displayed on the side of them.Conductors on buses with the thrill that you might get off before they came for your money!

Christmas in the city was fab.When the steelworks and all the offices and shops kicked out, there was a very special feeling in the air.Buses were packed and women stood holding numerous bags of parcels of shopping, many with 'Redgates' bags.

Most Dad's were in work, it was a great time.

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I miss


Millhouses LIdo

ABC Cinema

Hole in the Road

The beer garden at the Prince of Wales (Ecclesall Road)

Schofields (great cafe)


The Museum Pub


Yorkshiremans Arms (When it was a rock pub)

All the old West Street Pubs

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  • 3 months later...

I was back in Sheffield two weeks ago on business.Having heard all the hype about Magna I thought I would have a look as I work in the steelmaking industry and Magna is on the site of Steel Peach and Tozer.

Well! What a let down,a lot of corney gimmicks that appeal to little kids.

The funace show was a lot of flashing lights and a few sparks.

Guides that seemed to know nothing about the historical importance of the place they were in.

I asked one of the guides what the idea of the place was and was told it was more to expain the nature of the earth,water and the air.

I don't know who is more out of touch,me for paying ten quid for a load of rubbish or the operators of Magna who seem to get away with providing a load of rubbish.


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Hi CF8M,

I was in Sheffield 12 months ago and was told about the very same things you mentioned re - the magna, so we didn't waste the 10 quid.

Would be interested to know just what is left in Sheffield with the steel industry. I noticed a couple of steel mills up near the airport and I had a little look at what was keft of the old ESC down on Brightside Lane. In 1961 when I had just finished my apprenticeship I was asked if I would like to transfer to a brand new steel mill around Shepcote Lane area. I turned the offer down as it involved 12 hour shifts but maybe the steel mill I have seen is the actual one. On the funny side I immigrated to Australia to a brand new steel mill and ended up working shift work with shifts sometimes lasting 16 hours but then that's another story.

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