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What do you miss in Sheffield that used to be here but now is gone?

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The Stonehouse... remember the old courtyard bar that looked like it was outside but had a roof on? That place had a real buzz, and was unique- why ever did it close?

The thing they replaced it with is soul-less, only been in once and never again!

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Springett, Megson, Johnson, Mobley, Eustace, Young, Ritchie, McCalliog, Fantham, Craig, Finney and before he was banned (I left Sheff before the ban was lifted), Peter Swan. Let's not forget, Tony Kaye, one of the best midfielders ever to dribble the ball, his ban aside. But he left Sheff before I did. Have I left anyone out?

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Springett, Megson, Johnson, Mobley, Eustace, Young, Ritchie, McCalliog, Fantham, Craig, Finney and before he was banned (I left Sheff before the ban was lifted), Peter Swan. Let's not forget, Tony Kaye, one of the best midfielders ever to dribble the ball, his ban aside. But he left Sheff before I did. Have I left anyone out?


what about dooley. quixxal woodhead.frogget.gannon whitcome curtis.mackitosh turton

just a few more

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You're right on, awoollen. I was just thinking of the 60s teams. I could add to your list from the 50s, Albert Broadbent. Also in the 60s, Graham Pugh, Sam Ellis (his slips cost us the cup at Wembley, but he was just a young lad thrown in at the last moment), also MacAnaerney. Do you remember Keith Ellis? We could do with some of the 60s greats playing at thie peak right now.

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You're right on, awoollen. I was just thinking of the 60s teams. I could add to your list from the 50s, Albert Broadbent. Also in the 60s, Graham Pugh, Sam Ellis (his slips cost us the cup at Wembley, but he was just a young lad thrown in at the last moment), also MacAnaerney. Do you remember Keith Ellis? We could do with some of the 60s greats playing at thie peak right now.

what about bannister edgar packard .wilkinson.ryals.rogregus excuse my spelling

getting a bit old in the tooth

shadows tomlinson david hurst.

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yes, and how could I forget the great jackie Sewell (50s) and David Ford (60s)? Alan Quinn also from the 60s. We used to sing this from the Kop to the tune of yellow submarine:


"And our friends are all aboard

Jim McCalliog and David Ford

And the band began to play


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