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What do you miss in Sheffield that used to be here but now is gone?

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Originally posted by nick2

Some of the cinemas were fantastic buildings, look at this one that was in Barkers Pool (the building on the corner is now a jewelers).


The Building on the corner was Wilson Peck's, a large muiscal instrument store, more Bechstein than Les Paul.


H Samuel's took it over.


The cinema disappeared in the '60s I think, and became "modern" offices!



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Bendy buses have been mentioned a few times - I saw one somewhere quite recently, it was either Manchester or Leeds. I was amazed! It used to be so exciting see one or getting on one!


And in reference to Threads - that film TOTALLY scares the hell out of me. It's the fact its in Sheffield it makes it so much more real and I can't watch it.

My history teacher made us watch the first half hour or so, and it left me traumatised for weeks! Then my mum and sister insisted on watching it when it was shown on BBC4 a while back, and I just couldn't watch it at all.

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same as lots of you i miss the hole in the road greatly , specially the shop where ya could get a big bags of throntons misshapes yummmmm .... also the eggbox was quite cool. .... i miss wimpy (so much better than maccy d's , with them free kids crown hats ya used to get n all) , and i miss the eager beaver buses ... sorta like them rural links ones ya get now. used to call em the little nippers...oh yeah and bendy buses were well cool .... ahhh memories! this post is bringin it all back! sure theres lots more but i forget..... ohhhh yeah , the pricekeen shop on crookes! now its a crappy co-op

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i seem to remember things about sheffield when i`m not really trying to think of how things were, here are but a few

The old tiny and very dark virgin records which used to be at the bottom of the moor


The limit


The little round kiosk at the end of the bus station where you could buy papers and sweets n stuff


The bench style seats on fargate surrounded by trees where you could sit in the summer and relax


The great busses and service we used to have with conductors and all on time too!! the fares were 2p or 9p for adults and there was a thick bus guide for all the services in sheffield which you could buy for about 5p


The Gaumont cinema where if you went into the basement of the car park across the road and under a tunnel it brought you out through one of the fire doors in the cinema and you could watch the film for free :-)


The Rex cinema at Intake although not town centre it was great!

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I miss my old street' I lived on Harewood road' It got knocked down about 20 yrs ago along with its neighbouring streets' Lofthouse and Dutton cant remember the other one. They were just in front of Trebor bassetts and the side of Sunblest' and quite close to the owlerton racing track' I can remember being layed in bed at night trying to get to sleep and all i could here was the sound of the speedway. Now stands the hillsborough leisure center. Does anybody else remember these houses?

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Hi Rachylou.....I was born on Lofthouse Road and lived there til around 1964. My grandmother moved in the house when it was first built, and was about the last to come out before they pulled them down (she was 104).


If you lived on Harewood, our backyards used to meet!

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There are 2 things I miss and we will NEVER see them again ..



The hole in the road, now covered by the tram stop.



and the 2p bus fares, I had a friend come over from Lincoln once and he was embarrassed to pay 2p for our bus journey from town to Parson Cross which now costs more like £1.40.


I know they already been mentioned ... but ....

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