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Man Looking for Romance!


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Originally posted by craigb

I would agree with that - I am assurred that I am not nearly as bile-inducing as I think I am, but the problem is that I think I am.. and more importantly I think WOMEN think I am too!


End result - have totally given up on finding love before I've even reached my 23rd Birthday :cry:


Maybe the whole thing about being desperate and a professional singleton is what people find bile-inducing, and not you as a person?


I'm not trying to be mean, honestly, but just offering a view on it. With the right people it can sometimes be used in your favour as a way of getting the sympathy vote, but on the whole women seem to be looking for men who are confident and not pitiful.


Maybe just relax a bit and be happy in your own company, and women will find you more attractive. People can usually smell desperation a mile off, and it isn't attractive. "We pursue that which retreats from us."

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OK firstly Snook...

I'm not trying to be mean

..you failed! That was the biggest crock of **** since..I dont know what!


I'm not even going to dignify it with any more of a response than that. :loopy:



you'll be beating the girlies off with a stick!

..yeah, their blind person's stick! LMAO :hihi:

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Originally posted by craigb

OK firstly Snook...


..you failed! That was the biggest crock of **** since the Bible!


Well, i'm sorry that I failed, I was only trying to help after hearing the womens reaction to your posts on here in the chatroom... so it obviously wasn't a crock of ****.


The fact that you react like that leads me to believe that you don't really feel that way about yourself, rather you were using it as a line.


Sorry that I offended you, it was never my intention and I do not wish to get into an argument over this.

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I think you give me more credit than I deserve... no way would I ever use a line ever so for a start you're wrong there. Also, if I were to use a line it certainly wouldn't be that.


To be honest I'm quite sure where you get off - you talk as if you know everything about me from just reading a few posts on a forum, when the fact is you clearly couldn't be further from the truth (hence the crock of **** remark - which still stands true).


Oh, and I don't believe you for one minute when you say you weren't trying to start an argument - if that were true you wouldn't have said that and definately wouldn't have been such a **** about it.


Maybe you shouldn't presume you know people before you shoot off at them about things you clearly don't have a clue about.

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Originally posted by craigb

I think you give me more credit than I deserve... no way would I ever use a line ever so for a start you're wrong there. Also, if I were to use a line it certainly wouldn't be that.


To be honest I'm quite sure where you get off - you talk as if you know everything about me from just reading a few posts on a forum, when the fact is you clearly couldn't be further from the truth (hence the crock of **** remark - which still stands true).


Oh, and I don't believe you for one minute when you say you weren't trying to start an argument - if that were true you wouldn't have said that and definitely wouldn't have been such a **** about it.


Maybe you shouldn't presume you know people before you shoot off at them about things you clearly don't have a clue about.


Honestly, I wasn't trying to argue, it really wasn't aimed just at you, it was more a general remark about peoples attitudes to being single and feeling so sorry for themselves. I am truly sorry that I offended you, and retract all my comments. You are right, I don't know you and shouldn't have used you as an example. Sorry.

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I apologise too - didn't mean to go off on one, it's just if there is one thing that really annoys me it is people thinking I'm just feeling sorry for myself and should "snap out of it".


Honestly - if it were that simple don't you think I would?!


I hate feeling the way I do, and certainly would never use it in an attempt to pick up women.

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Seriously, when I spoke with you last week I found it an interesting cnversation with a nice guy.


Just treat women as possible friends rather than possible partners and I'm sure that you'll get more success.


Don't let yourself be scared by them - they're only human (Tracie included ;) ).



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