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Transform me - Please Help!!


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hi I am female 34 usually 9 stone but since having 3 kids have ballooned to 14 stone - any takers on transforming me!!


Would love a kick up the arse to get me started - free promo if you can guide me - don't wanna be on the tv but I am sure someone will take me on !! Please PM with offers! Need to be embarressed/sponsered otherwise I will be a balloon forever!!

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Where abouts are you located?


You could come running with me & my friend if you want - we're not too fit either, and if another person was running we'd be more motivated to go!


If you want a challenge to work up to, there's the Sheffield half marathon in May!

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Hi shieshuk,


I'm starting a series of short walks next month for my group, beginning with the Five Weirs Walk from Sheffield to Meadowhall if you fancy joining us.


I think everything is better done when you have a buddy to give mutual encouragement, but if you do want some great motivational ideas by e-mail to lose weight then the eDiets newsletters are exceptionally good http://www.eDietsUK.co.uk You can sign up for their diet plans for £2.99 a week but maybe you recognise that motivation is the key rather than the diet plan (we all know when we eat too much - but focusing the mind on a target helped by friends is probably more important than a diet sheet) I'm quite interested in motivation and working for success. I could maybe find some others to help you in your ambition, those who would join you and nutritionists who could maybe give some friendly advice on a non-professional basis.


Although just beginning, one of the main aims of my sports and social network http://www.SpurIntoAction.co.uk is to improve member's health and fitness and that means taking care of the body with a balanced approach to life.


Something to think on:


Set targets and make a plan - "if you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there?"


Make a start - "The longest journey begins with a single step"


Give yourself permission to succeed which begins with doing something different and telling friends and family that you're going to change. "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got".


And remember a diet shouldn't be a short term thing. Losing weight quickly may not be so good for you. Keeping you body in trim is not just about looks, it's also about your blood pressure and your heart. A diet is for life - your life. Make sure you're able to enjoy it to the full.


Good Luck.


PS I'm not an expert, I just have a personal interest here. Would be glad to exchange ideas if interested.

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I run Body Combat/Circuit Training classes, you will burn more than double the amount of calories that you would if you used a gym.


I run a number of classes around the City in Private Gyms and also I work with people on a 1-2-1 basis in their homes. I have people who have lost 2 stones in 2 months. The type of fitness I offer is based on my experience in various Martial Arts and also general fitness which spans over 20 years. The classes are very friendly non contact, for men and women and all shapes and sizes


If you want more info then my email address is phphilz@hotmail.com

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Some simple things can help, like walking instead of driving or getting off the bus a couple of stops early. It may also help if you stop eating after 7pm (a lot harder than it sounds) and have breakfast every morning as it helps kick start your metabolism.


Now if you are up for some help I run martial arts classes that focus on fitness and at the moment we have a number of parents training with their kids. So we have some people in the same situation as you are and having fun doing it.


Take a look at the club website if you want any more information http://www.impactuk.20m.com

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Hi shieshuk


Take a friend and join a good health club that way you can try allsorts of different ways to get in shape from Tai Chi, Martial arts, the gym, aerobics and much more. Go to a place that can offer you advice on healthy eating and exercise but with a variety of activities to offer so you don’t get board.


But most of all ask questions on there qualifications. Martial arts classes as well as some aerobics instructors don’t know and might not be qualified in Diet and nutrition and you need both to achieve your goal.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Sheishuk,


I've just had my second child I'm feeling really sluggish and unmotivated. I need to lose about two and a half stone and I'm determined to do it through exercise instead of faddy dieting. I also live in Norton and I was thinking of going along to some sort of class at Graves, but I know I will be lazy if I don't have a buddy. Can we help each other?


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Originally posted by shieshuk

hi I am female 34 usually 9 stone but since having 3 kids have ballooned to 14 stone - any takers on transforming me!!


Would love a kick up the arse to get me started - free promo if you can guide me - don't wanna be on the tv but I am sure someone will take me on !! Please PM with offers! Need to be embarressed/sponsered otherwise I will be a balloon forever!!




Join the club..... Iam 37 now and have always been pretty fit but after being laid up ill for a year clapped weight on!!!


I contacted Spinac regarding playing badminton, its really good fun and you dont realise your excercising at the time (until the next day that is!!!) great for the bum.


If you pm him he will give you all the details. its at Hillsborough on a wednesday night, I live at Beauchief but its not far so if you fancy it let me know.



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I'd love to get fit and lose some weight too (about 2st for me but 3 would be great)!


I used to be really fit - played a lot of volleyball etc but I've had ME for almost 3 years now and can't do anything like I used to.


I've started walking (got a puppy in October) and that's been a great starter towards getting fit.


Anyone know of clubs/gyms etc that have some knowledge/experience of working with people with ME?

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