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Door Policy at the Cavendish

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Cav is certainly one for "no groups of lads", my mate used to do the door there and he did again recently and he was letting loads of people in and apparently the other bouncers were like "errr we don't normally let people in like this.."


It's a bit hit and miss with Cav really these days for some reason.


Don't think Chavs wear Berghaus myself O.o not seen many chavs hanging around CCC..

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Don't think Chavs wear Berghaus myself O.o not seen many chavs hanging around CCC..


Berghaus used to be standard scallie attire...


Basically a venue will have a certain policy of who they want in there and its up to the door staff to enforce it - and if they dont like the look of you - they're not going to let you in and will come up wth any rubbish to back it up. But I can never understand why anyone would want to go anywhere that'd knock them back anyway...

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If it was Friday night, then I was with the guy who got turned away. We could not believe the policy, a small bunch of 30 something I.T. and Admins asistants - not exactly football hooligan's. But as I said to my colleague, there are more bars in Sheffield to spend our money. To be fair, it's not just The Cavendish with weird door policies. Me and a friend went to The Tequila bar, and he got stopped and asked to take his jacket off because it had a hood (yes, it was reasonablly fashionalbe Jacket - but not a hoodie), whereas I was let in with my duffle coat complete with hood !!! I pionted out that I had a hood, at which point one of the bouncers told me to take it off - crazy.

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  • 1 month later...

I actually saw someone get turned away from Cavendish last night because he was wearing a striped (GStar) shirt with collar!! Made worse when a girl with a striped top with collar was allowed to walk straight in.


I am sure these bouncers let the power go to their head. One of them is a right cocky b'stard and comes out with some right daft excuses for not letting people in.

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I actually saw someone get turned away from Cavendish last night because he was wearing a striped (GStar) shirt with collar!! Made worse when a girl with a striped top with collar was allowed to walk straight in.


I am sure these bouncers let the power go to their head. One of them is a right cocky b'stard and comes out with some right daft excuses for not letting people in.


I was turned away that night for wearing 'stripes', a black and white stripey jumper.

Maybe more likely my shaven hair?


What I'm upset about is that I actually was going to go in the place :hihi:

I was only in the area to meet a friend.

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