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Door Policy at the Cavendish

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A few months ago I was turned away because I didn't have any ID. Rather I didn't have any ID that conformed with today's requirements - i.e. it was 10 years old and obtained when I was 18 and pre the requirement of some hollagram thingy! Wouldn't mind but the manager also refused me entry and I was probably older than him!!


Is it still strict on ID??

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A few months ago I was turned away because I didn't have any ID. Rather I didn't have any ID that conformed with today's requirements - i.e. it was 10 years old and obtained when I was 18 and pre the requirement of some hollagram thingy! Wouldn't mind but the manager also refused me entry and I was probably older than him!!


Is it still strict on ID??


It wont be soon when the students are gone.

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I was once rather embaressed by the door staff at the cavendish.


Was out with a group from work. Mixed group, male & Female all in our 20's give or take.


I got turned away for wearing a cream, smart coloured Lambrella jacket.


Bit odd !


FIrst and only time in sheffield i've never been let in anywhere !

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I went down town a couple of weeks a go and got turned away from The Cavendish because they didn't allow groups in. When the doorman was telling me this there was several people in groups walking past him and getting in it goes to show doesn't it. I tried to explain this him but you can't reason with them or you get a slap. It makes me laugh how they alway let really good looking girls in without hesitation supposed thats what happens when the pubs and clubs employ criminals with 2 things on there mind hitting people and women.

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To add to this thread, I went in with one of my mates, a while a go now but the bouncers were saying such perverted things to us as we walked in that we ended up walking straight back out again&ive never actually been in since!

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