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Diabetes: Just how dangerous is it?

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Is he overweight Stagey? My neighbour is VERY, almost painfully thin.


So then, its possible to lead a "Normal" for want of a better word, active life if you manage it properly? I mean live to a ripe old age and die in bed peacefully? Or do all diabetics die of things that are ..... you know... brought on by diabetes?


My sons got type 1 diabetes,he was 14 when we found (hes 21 now),i noticed he was drinking alot, even taking bottles of water to bed with him , also needing the loo, he also had lost an awful lot of weight ,then the alarms bells started to ring ,took him to the docs his blood sugar was 25 which is really really high (should be between 4 and 6 )we took him to the hospital the same night he was put on insulin, he controls it well ,has 3 injections a day , he hated it at first ,was even ashamed , but its his way of life now .You must take care of yourself test your blood several times a day, its not easy for him ,but it is a matter of life or death.

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Being as polite as I can, how are you able to use the forum if you are registered blind?

This isn't sarcasm, nastyness or anything else dodgy. Just plain curiosity.

I realise there are levels of blindness but I don't know a lot.

My Dad is type 2 and I'm likely to end up with type 2 genetically so this thread is interesting to me.

As for the rest of your post - good for you :)


There is a selection of bits of kit available to those with sight problems to help with using the computer and the internet, ranging from chordal keyboards and braille keyboards up to software like screen readers and the like.


BTW this is one major reason why using txt spk and too much slang is against forum rules. Txt spk confuses screen readers, making threads inaccessible to those with sight problems and there's no need for it.


EDIT- I used to teach a couple of people who were truly sightless and they could navigate round the net faster than I could (and one of them has a guide dog that I could fall in love with too).

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3 years ago my dads foot went black ,hed stood on some metal which got emebbed in his foot ,due to diabetes (which at this point he didnt know he had ) he had no feeling in his feet but put it down to old age (hes now only 63 )

due to this he ended up having a toe amputated ,then his foot , then half his leg

since then hes going blind

hes had a stroke

his kidneys are failing !!!

not good:(

hes had it reall rough if only he had known he was a diabetic hes got to have been for at least 10 years aparently but he had no idea whatsoever

untreated its a horrible disease ill tell yer xxxx

i think everyone should go out there and request one of them free tests available at the chemists xxx


it could just save your life x

too late for dad nothing much can be done now

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My dad had diabetes for 30 years.


By the end of it he'd gone blind, had one leg amputated above the knee, had many minor and two major strokes and was gaga when he died.


Having said that, it was only during the last 7 years in which he went downhill - he died aged 63.



If you've got it, take care of yourself. I'm sure my dad would have lasted much longer if he hadn't liked his drink so much!!

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The very cruel thing about diabetes (and specifically Type 2) is that the sufferer is likely to have had the disease for some time before they are diagnosed. This means that the many complications of diabetes (heart disease, stroke, eye problems, loss of sensation in extremities, kidney problems etc) are well established before diagnosis.

I think the key issue here is to raise awareness of the disease and to encourage people to attend well man/woman events at their GP surgery. A simple fingerprick blood test is all that is required to start diagnosis and to start a programme of damage limitation and treatment.

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I've bought magnifing softwear for my computer that makes everything 3 times bigger, it also talks but I turn it off it drives me mad, i also have to wear reading glasses x6. If you met me at a party you'd never know that i was blind as my pride stands in the way. I do take a white stick out if i'm on my own if not I follow colours and shapes of whoever i'm with. Was offered a guide dog but they had to give the offer to someone else when I had my toe amputated earlier in the year.

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An interesting little development here....


The other halfs dad was diagnosed with diabetes last year, hes heading towards 70 and hes taking pills to control it.


We just had a phone call from him and the OH and her sis have had to gallop to their house because his foot has swollen up, hes in agony and aparrantly has a bad infection because of the diabetes.

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An interesting little development here....


The other halfs dad was diagnosed with diabetes last year, hes heading towards 70 and hes taking pills to control it.


We just had a phone call from him and the OH and her sis have had to gallop to their house because his foot has swollen up, hes in agony and aparrantly has a bad infection because of the diabetes.


Have they mentioned cellulitis at all?

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