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Systema anywhere in sheffield?

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does anybody know of somehwere in sheffield that teaches this?


I've searched online and can find nothing



I need to get fit, but I really dont wanna do a sports martial art.


I'm aroud the Walkley area, 16, used to do shoot fighting, and BJJ, but I have ... fallen out with someone quite prominent in the MMA world and I'm scared of going back...so I want to find something new


so any info on systema, or failing that a vaguely friendly boxing gym/kick boxing/some sort of hybrid art.


thanks in advance



and hello!

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Hi Carl_Malibu



I don’t mean any offence by this.

You say you don’t want to do a sport so I can understand you wanting to do systema, but boxing, kick boxing/some sort of hybrid art are a sport????? I think you might need to clarify a little more on what you want.

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Originally posted by Davemantis

Hi Carl_Malibu



I don’t mean any offence by this.

You say you don’t want to do a sport so I can understand you wanting to do systema, but boxing, kick boxing/some sort of hybrid art are a sport????? I think you might need to clarify a little more on what you want.


indeed, boxing/kick boxing is sport fighting, but it is a lot more adaptable as a serious form of self defence as opposed to the more traditional martial arts, mostly due to the fact that its less of a rigid style.


Yes, I wasnt very clear, I want something that is going to build my fitness, and be useful in a fighting situation (living in my area and being my age you get into a fair amount of trouble) - I hope that clarifies things.

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Originally posted by Anne23

A friend of mine does systema and is looking for someone to train with. He's away in Thailand for a while but mail me if you're interested and I'll pass your details on to him.


i'd love to email you, but it says i cant :P






email me so I get your address, and we'll talk then (if thats ok)


thanks :)

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