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"Whip and Top". Did you have one?

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Southey green school in the 60s went through whip and top "Crazes" from time to time. For about 6 weeks each summer these tops could be seen littering the playgrounds as kids whipped them into a speed that can only be dreamed of by todays toys.


I never had one because the lads were into playing mabs and the mabs craze for the lads would co incide with the whip n top craze for the lasses. That used to cause some real bovver as a top would career into a mab circle or a mab would be whipped across the playground by a spiteful lass.

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Ooh! "Window Breakers"!


Enough to strike terror into the neighbours! :o


1948 to 1952 I terrorised the whole street!


What about you? Did you enjoy your whip and top? :hihi:


I did, Window Breakers and Donkey top though why it was called adonkey top I don't know as it was shaped like an acorn.

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Southey green school in the 60s went through whip and top "Crazes" from time to time. For about 6 weeks each summer these tops could be seen littering the playgrounds as kids whipped them into a speed that can only be dreamed of by todays toys.


I never had one because the lads were into playing mabs and the mabs craze for the lads would co incide with the whip n top craze for the lasses. That used to cause some real bovver as a top would career into a mab circle or a mab would be whipped across the playground by a spiteful lass.


Ooh! Mabs! Yep.....digging a "poggie" 'tween a wall and asphalt pavement......Happy days! :)

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I did, Window Breakers and Donkey top though why it was called adonkey top I don't know as it was shaped like an acorn.


Window Breakers were shaped like upright mushrooms, if I recall. Can't remember seeing a donkey top, though.


Great weren't it, though. They should bring it back for the 2012 Olympics. :)

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Do you recall decorating the top of your top with coloured chalks so that they made e terrific pattern as they spun, we used to see who could make the best design. Do you also remember having one with a leather whip? They stung like hell if you copped for it across your leg whilst you were thrashing the top to death. When the leather broke we used to replace it with a shoelace and sometimes made a small knot in the end to get a better whip action.

Health & Safety eat your heart out!!

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Do you also remember having one with a leather whip? They stung like hell if you copped for it across your leg whilst you were thrashing the top to death.


It was essential to have a leather whip, though.


"La pièce de resistance" if one desired "street cred" as a kid! :hihi:

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