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Story: The Persistence of Memory.


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I can't have made it that obvious or you would have spotted it straight away, it was a very good point, so in the second version I had the doctor apologise for being late, that way the reader knows who the appointment is with.


I'm very glad the literary WD40 worked (Waiter! Another glass of literary WD40 please!) - but I did spot one small squeak in the second draft:


"I was just admiring your new painting; it's a Dali, isn't it?"


"Unfortunately it's not a real one, Abbey, I'm sorry I missed you earlier, how did this morning’s meeting with your husband go?”


Not a very smooth change of subject there, it could have been done better.



One of the newbies sent me a PM asking why I wrote "Avoid names ending in 'S'" in the plot notes, the main reason is the placement of apostrophes.


For instance


"It's Dave Simmons's screwdrivers." (possessive)

"It's Dave Simmons' screwdrivers." (to show possession)

"It's Dave Simmonses' screwdriver's" (where'd the "e" come from? :confused: )


I know the second example is technically correct but, oh blimey, change his name to Sharpe instead, it makes life much easier! And that's why your character names shouldn't end in an 'S' :)

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