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Looking for old friends, early seventies.

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I´ve just found the web site and thought it would be interesting to try and track down some old friends from the pubbing and clubbing days in the early seventies.

Here are a few names: Mick "Mooney" Mace, Craig "Mac" Mccloughlin, John "Spot" Spotswood, Kenny Richardson.

Let me know if you know whats happened to them.

Cheers, Jeremy.

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Mick Mace was the oldest son of Mr. Mace who owned Maces pet shop. I´m not sure where he came from but he lived mostly at his grandparents in Intake.

As far as I remember Craig Mccloughlin came from Pitsmoor. Some years ago I think I heard that he had a pub somewhere in Sheffield.

I dont know where John Spotswood came from but he lived mainly in parked up railway carriages or slept in the back of my car.

Kenny Richardson came from Coal Aston near Dronfield but at some time moved into Sheffield.

At this time we were all about 19 - 22 years old and all more or less unemployed.

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  • 10 months later...
jeremy you still got that old a35 van? i think you lived nr clown and knocked about with bone blackburn from mosboro


Hi micky m. who are you?

Of course the van is long dead and gone and I´ve worn a few more out since then.

Thats right I lived in Clowne for a while and then moved down south to Kent for a few years. After that I moved to Denmark and have been here for about 30 years.

I used to knock about with Bone Blackburn, Kenny Richardson, Paddy Coleman, Craig Maclouglin og John Spotswood (Spot).

Do you know whats happened to the others apart from Mac and Spot?


Cheers Jeremy.

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Craig Mac married Jill Horton and they had the Dove and Rainbow, they divorced and I don't know what he did after that.

Same with john Spotswood not heard of him for years.


Hi alex 3659,

Thanks for the information.

If you hear anymore about Mac or Spot I´d like to hear from you again.

I´ve seen the webside for "The dove and rainbow". I was never in there when I lived in Sheffield but it looks as though I missed something.


Cheers Jeremy.

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hiya jeremy,good to hear from you nice to know you are well,last time i saw spot i bumped into him on a day trip shopping to london saw him on underground and had a chat he was living there always was nomadic as you know.havent seen bone or kenny since1970,s didn,t they work for cole brothers in sheffield ,craig lived on pyebank rd pittsmoor,i did,nt know he became a landlord of dove and rainbow,that was the pub behind old blue bell on high street you went down a small alley to it. you had a brother i remember quiet lad, well keep in touch mick mace

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