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Wanted: Veterans stories

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I've posted this in Discussion but it would have been better posting it in here:


Some of you may not be aware, but on 27th June 2008 the day as been marked as Veterans Day and an event is going to be held in Sheffield on the 28th to celebrate and draw attention to the contribution of veterans of all ages and experiences.


Believe it or not, but some people actually believe that veterans are the old men with medals that fought in the World Wars


I am looking for some people that would be willing to speak about their experiences, in particular people that have recently served in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also those that have been involved in other conflicts (Falklands, Northern Ireland, Sierra Leane to name a few)


If you can help, then please PM me with your contact details and a brief history on where you served and I will contact you as soon as possible.

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Never a good soldier aways pushing the limit,but when i got my change of trade and got my big motor bike i was happy happy riding around Libya to hell and back,one of the problems No girls of any kind ,may 2doz nurse's to troops in the thousands ,Doing signals dispatch i would wander into field security where the breathtaking doll sat, with her sweet smile she would ask me to take the post for her,a big No No, but what the hell i would have killed or die for her and told her so,as usual speeding around town a big German B.M.W with sidecar pulled in front and stopped me and said he was Capt *** from field security and i was speeding,but i'd got my usual fake message marked secret etc and i expected him to bust a blood vein when i told him and rushed me away.when telling my mate this and why would a undercover field officer be stopping me he got a good laugh it was his wife i was making a pass at and me saying how much i loved her, while he had to sit at the next table and take it all in and dare not blow his cover .Looking back how did i ever get out alive

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