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Saturday nights in the 60s


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Yes. Did the West Street pub crawl many times. Also used to do the pub crawl around the bottom of London Road and the Wicker. Sometimes got into a few scraps but nothing really serious just a bit of handbags a ten paces. Wouldn't even contemplate drinking in any of those areas today. Happy days.

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Was too young to go out drinking for most of it went down to Silver blades in the afternoon and stayed there until 10pm either skating of djing there. Great bunch of friends.

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Yes It was like being on Holiday abroad on Saturday nights in the summer on the "West street monkey run"...I don't remember the names of the pub's apart from "Monas"(Loud Music) and I think "The Raven" and you never sat down, just stood in the middle of the room with glass in hand, also I remember the Lasses going one way round the circuit clockwise and the lads going round anticlockwise..1/2 a pint in every Pub (all different brews) and by the time you got back where you started from you didn't know where you'd been..or where you were going.

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Some of the pubs at the bottom of West St were so close together that people used to wander around the streets going from pub to pub with glasses in hand. A pint ordered in one pub would wind up as an empty glass in another one. I used to frequent that circuit in the mid to late 60s.

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