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Grange Towerblock to be demolished!


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that's clever shiesuk, fankew ... I took a similar one of the previous demolitions ... exciting but also a bit sad in a way ...


All the hard work that went into building them, all the lives played out there and POOF!!! gone in seconds ... still, whatever comes in place of that block can only be an improvement :thumbsup:

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Not as good as angle as that other video, but whacked together this video. It's a 4MB MPG file (should play in windows media player) but you might have to download it and save it to your machine first if your connection isn't very fast. Enjoy!

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Originally posted by patc

Not as good as angle as that other video, but whacked together this video. It's a 4MB MPG file (should play in windows media player) but you might have to download it and save it to your machine first if your connection isn't very fast. Enjoy!


Fantastic video.



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Tremendous video.


The demolition did seem to generate a phenominal amount of dust which seemed to spread over a wide area carried by the wind.


Just imagine what would have happened if yiu'd left the washing out!


Or if you'd just finished washing the car.

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Like other forummers I also filmed it, got an amazing view and the shot composition of it was spot on (sorry, bragging).


Now I just need to capture and edit it for my archive of stock footage.


I'd post it online but Since it is from a Broadcast standard camera, it'd feel like an injustice to whack it down to mpeg compression and lose all the superb video and sound quality it possesses.



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Originally posted by shieshuk

Saw a few fellow forumers there inc Kristian ......though Kristian seemed to be a little overdressed for the occasion...LOL :suspect:



It was fantastic! End of an era, and although the last tower block is now down, Norfolk Park itself is well and truly on the up.


Just happen to know that Kristian was not only amongst the VIP guests, but he was also having lunch with the Lord Mayor after the blow-down.


Mmmmm, see what can happens when you become a Mod!?

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Originally posted by BrainThrust

Like other forummers I also filmed it, got an amazing view and the shot composition of it was spot on (sorry, bragging).


Now I just need to capture and edit it for my archive of stock footage.


I'd post it online but Since it is from a Broadcast standard camera, it'd feel like an injustice to whack it down to mpeg compression and lose all the superb video and sound quality it possesses.




Not many people would expect a post of digi betacam full frame 16:9 video that takes 6 hours to download before you can watch it... :)


Mine wasn't broadcast standard obviously (it's a Canon XL1S prosumer whatsit) but go on, you know you want to show everyone!

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Originally posted by shieshuk

Saw a few fellow forumers there inc Kristian ......though Kristian seemed to be a little overdressed for the occasion...LOL :suspect:


Originally posted by redrobbo

It was fantastic! End of an era, and although the last tower block is now down, Norfolk Park itself is well and truly on the up.


Just happen to know that Kristian was not only amongst the VIP guests, but he was also having lunch with the Lord Mayor after the blow-down.


Mmmmm, see what can happens when you become a Mod!?


Overdressed? Moi? You're lucky my sequinned partydress was at the dry cleaners! :D


I've seen a few of the blocks come down before, but this was just something else! I was about three feet away from the button when it was pushed! :thumbsup:


All in all I've had a really lovely day! Thanks to one special forum member that made it all possible! You know who you are! :thumbsup:


K x

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