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Grange Towerblock to be demolished!


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Originally posted by jonsastar

looks like more people who could have had a cheep flat may end up on the street then.


And forcing house prices even further up.


Nobody wanted to live there thogh Jon.


It would have taken such a lot of money for the refurbishment, it's cheaper and more viable to start again.


I don't know of you've been around there lately, but the new properties they've built across the road from Grange look really nice. Let's hope it continues, and there's more regeneration for the area.


K x

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Originally posted by Kristian

Nobody wanted to live there thogh Jon.


It would have taken such a lot of money for the refurbishment, it's cheaper and more viable to start again.


I don't know of you've been around there lately, but the new properties they've built across the road from Grange look really nice. Let's hope it continues, and there's more regeneration for the area.


K x


Houses could be the operative word, as you dont see many familys on the street, flats are generaly housing for people who live alone. And these are the ones who generally end up on the street.


But your right I havent seen the flats that no one wanted to live in.


As long as the council replaces the places they are destroying then the homeless people will have homes, but if they only build houses there is no where for them to go, as the council will not rent a house to a single person.(and it is also uneconomial)


I hope they have a huge rebuild plan on the way with some nice new housing that also caters for single renters at a cheap enough price.

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Actually, the new flats on Norfolk Park have been more popular than anyone had foreseen. So to suggest no-one wants them is a little behind the times.


As for affordable housing, there are Housing Association properties being built on the estate, and some others have been refurbished. There is also a new scheme on the way that will allow people to buy a home on Norfolk Park at 70% or so of the asking price, and preference will be given to former residents from the estate. Even those of us with low paying jobs will be able to buy with minimal risk.


I do agree that it seems a lot more properties are coming down across Sheffield than are being built, and I've heard the argument about flats for one person, tho I also know several single males who have managed to get single or 2 bedroom flats from the Council without any problems whatsoever. A new issue about it is arising in Arbourthorne, where lots of 2 bedroom properties will become 4 bedroom properties, as it is perceived that more family housing is needed. I'd love to hear some proper numbers upon which these assumptions are based.


There were, by the way, quite a few people who didn't want to leave Grange. But most of the people resident there were quite elderly, and had lived there for a good proportion of their lives.

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Originally posted by cosywolf

Actually, the new flats on Norfolk Park have been more popular than anyone had foreseen. So to suggest no-one wants them is a little behind the times.


I think you misunderstood me Cosy. I meant that people didn't want to move into Grange in it's unmodernised state.


Originally posted by cosywolf

There were, by the way, quite a few people who didn't want to leave Grange. But most of the people resident there were quite elderly, and had lived there for a good proportion of their lives.


My Great-Aunt lived there for donkeys years until her death in 2001. She had never wanted to move from there, she was really happy, so I agree with you on this point.


I wouldn't have thought there were many people wanting to move in there to rplace lost tennants though.


K x

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Oops, Kristian, I was responding to jonsastar's comments about the new flats after you mentioned them...


Originally posted by jonsastar

But your right I havent seen the flats that no one wanted to live in.



not actually to you, who I agree with. Sorry, long, long day, LOL.


If anyone has any specific points they want to make about Norfolk Park, btw, tonight's the night to do it. Norfolk Park Community FOrum are holding their AGM:


6pm buffet

6.30 meeting

at the new Extra Care Facility, Park Grange Road.


It's a public meeting.


For more info ring NPCF on 2797617


See you there!



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free meal! :D



I thought this block was here to stay, seemed alittle more complete than the others which all looked run down. Mind you i haven't been up close to it at all. Perhaps i shall visit some time soon.


RE: lack of housing, this place has been empty for ages surely, so i don't think there is any impending unit shortage round the corner.


Also saying the flats at the grange were probably for single people is strange - i don't wish to generalise but these council houses are usually filled with more than one person, either shared occupancy or a family - so i don't think anyone coming from those flats will be in a position where they couldn't find any alternative housing.

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