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Grange Towerblock to be demolished!


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Originally posted by AndrewC

Also saying the flats at the grange were probably for single people is strange - i


I did not say were for single people, I was saying that a lack from knocking all the flats down in Sheff means less half decent affordable housing for people who live alone or dont want to share, I am fully aware that flats are not just for single people it would be absurd to think so, like I said I was making a point of affordable housing.


I do not like tower blocks any way and it isnt a bad thing that they go, as long as we have them replaced with good affordable housing there shouldnt be a homeless problem should there.

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I heard that some council houses near Samuel Road were earmarked to be replaced, does anyone else know whether this is true???


Apparently a tenant asked to purchase hers through the "right to buy" scheme only to be told she couldn't as they were going to be demolished and replaced with newer houses.


Last year the Council bought the Jervis Lum pub on Park Grange Rd and demolished it.


I also heard the council bought the old CO-OP at Norfolk Park last year in an auction, presumably this will be demolished too, is there plans to replace the whole shopping precinct with a new one?

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with respect to the demolition of Grange itself, I think they'll have to use cranes and balls as the block is too close to the new Queens Tower Development to use explosives.


It's taken them years to renovate, rebuild and build new structures at Queens Tower and given the proximity to Grange (i.e. right next door) a load of explosives would probably cause strucural damage of some sort.

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i hadn't thought about the new queens tower development being so close by but i do think they will have a 'blowdown' still. i thought the mickley block may have had to come down peice by peice as it was more or less on the main road itself right by the tram stop but they still blew it up and as far as i know it caused no damage to surrounding structures.


i am pleased with the redevelopment of the area, i was sad to have to be rehoused from my childhood home which was a vic hallam demolished in 2001 but we did get a new house, albeit smaller and with one less bedroom but i wouldn't want to deprive the families with more children than us of the three/ four bedroomed houses etc either.


the flats (duplex's) look odd in shape i think, as do some of the houses for that matter LOL but as a whole i think the area is improving no end.

a new shopping precinct is planned for a more central place on the estate so the old shopping area will soon be demolished i am presuming.


all in all, it may be taking its time but the redevlopment is a good thing in my eyes.:):clap:

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Blow down - so far the Council are planning on demolition by explosive, using the same company who did the previous blow downs.


The Co-op - sorry, mate it is well and truly gone!!! It came down before Christmas. Soon to follow will be the Social Centre next to it, which will close it's doors very shortly. Then the shops.

Where, you may ask, are the shops and community facilities to replace them?? Good question - still on the drawing board!


Further properties to come down on the estate: the old low rise flats that are already empty are coming down. Not a lot else, though. Currently it seems to be a bit of a lottery as to whether the developers can afford to buy the already empty plots that have been demolished as someone forgot to take into account the fact that prices might rise in the future...D'oh!


So will I see any of you tonight? Look for scruffy preggers lass, lol. Stuffing my face at the buffet :o)



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