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Grange Towerblock to be demolished!


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if you can find a portacabin anywhere near the top of Queens tower I would love to see it, you can point it out to me.

The new build in Queens tower is a typical modern block but the old part has been converted very sympathetically.


I live very close to Queens Tower and i can see where Cosywolf is coming from. You have a very nice conversion there but what is it with the ridiculous new 'block' that looks like it has just been dropped on the roof?


Don't get me wrong. I'm not having a 'dig' at Queens Tower because i like it and i understand the love and dedication the owner has put into it over the last 10 years.

I just wish he hadn't put 'the block' on top of it :(


Is this ignorance or jealousy?


Sorry but Cosywolf probably knows more about the area than any of us.


Anyway! Back on subject....

The blowdown is scheduled for 12.00 noon on Sunday ;)


Note to anyone with a digital camera

Be sure to have your camera in focus before the blowdown! Don't be a Numpty like me and miss the block coming down :?

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Originally posted by hotphil

I believe so. I shall be there.


Also, did this thread get resurrected from the archives, or did my search the other day just not turn it up?


I hunted it down a couple of weeks ago I think it was by going through page by page. Didn't think to do a search :rolleyes::D

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Originally posted by ninjajaja

I will be in the marquee on sunday, if you can find a portacabin anywhere near the top of Queens tower I would love to see it, you can point it out to me.

The new build in Queens tower is a typical modern block but the old part has been converted very sympathetically.


Is this ignorance or jealousy?


I'm sorry but that last remark I find very insulting!! I have lived on this estate for over 20 years and used to love the mystery of Queens Tower. Going down to the woods and peeking through the gates and looking out for the guard dogs etc. (anyway, beyond the point)


The point is yes, the insides of the apartments may be beautiful. I for one would love a look though I doubt 'we'd' get a look in! As a resident of a newbuild house (previously having lived in a house which was demolished) I hate the fact that the Queens Tower development has become a 'them and us' situation as in many of us who have lived our lives on the estate will be looked down upon because we don't live in the 'right place'.


I doubt very much Cosywolf is jealous and can tell you for a fact its not ignorance! The plain fact is, the building from the 'outside' is ugly! A huge clump of grey brick! They killed the Tower and its originality. A historic part of Norfolk Park has been destroyed:(


I bet even the ghost has moved out! ;):P

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Originally posted by redrobbo



And don't forget the road is closed from 11am till 1245pm the signs are either side of the Park Grange tram stop, but don't know exactly how much of the road will be closed.


We are going to try and drive past on the way to church it will be wried seeing it there then coming home in the afternoon it not being there...

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