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Festivals in Sheffield Parks; Cliffhanger in Millhouses Park, what do you think?

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Yes, apparently everyone in Millhouses (except me!) is up in arms about it. There's a debate on Radio Sheffield at the moment about it too.


not in my back yard briggade milhouses park used to have a fantastic fair but it got stopped seems like residents want this hapen again .

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In all fairness, I used to live at the top of Endcliffe Park and never had any problems with anti-social behaviour, litter or vandalism. Until the week of the fair; car keyed, beer cans in front garden and some chavvy sort threatening to shoot me when I asked him to turn his gangstar rap off (at 1am on a Sunday night/Monday morning). Not to mention the awful music being played full volume whenever it was open (and frequently when it wasn't). One thing I won't miss since moving.


whats wrong with music a fair gives atmosphere to a dull so called upper class area blame the fair briggade out in force again ?

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I just hope that the profits from the festival are put into the park and not into the pockets of promoters. This has been a problem with events in Sheffield Parks in the past.

After the event the parks own budget gets used to clear up the mess and repair the tyre tracks caused by lorries carrying fairground rides.


Just take a look at Graves Park. The Highland Fling was held there on Monday.


i think u will find that most fairground organisers will pay for the ground if its damaged .

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whats wrong with music a fair gives atmosphere to a dull so called upper class area blame the fair briggade out in force again ?


The Endcliffe area isn't at all dull! And there's some gorgeous houses facing the park :love:

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I doubt the Cliffhanger festival makes any big profits. Au contraire, I think the weather last year meant it made a loss!


The Cliffhanger beer festival is being run by Sheffield CAMRA, so I'm sure they'll do everything they can to ensure the ale is in decent nick. I appreciate it's hard to do in a tent on a hot day though but hey, ya gotta try, encha?

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i think u will find that most fairground organisers will pay for the ground if its damaged .


Credit where it is due. I am told that the deer park has indeed been rectified to a major extent.


I am very much in favour of events being held in the parks. Before Graves Park became Graves Park the land owners often hosted events for the less well off or more often for the employees of the man in the big house.


Major problem today is soil compaction due to large vehicles on the grass. Recently 200 tons of sand were applied to the deer park and compressed air blown into the ground to relieve this problem.


This type of remedial work should be born in mind. It is great to have events in the park. Even better if they are free to get in, but ow't is better than now't as they say. Just make sure the organisers pay something into the park for its maintenance.

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A bit troubled about a real ale festival. I love real ale, but it does take careful handling.


And who better to handle it than CAMRA?! :hihi:


It'll be great, tonkatoy, we'll see you at the bar :)


Hope you'll be going to Cliffhanger on Saturday 12th


Yes, going to Cliffhanger, this is an absolutely superb festival; I've been asked to write articles for the mags reporting on it :)


- so that you can come to Woodseats Festival http://www.woodseatsfestival.org.ukon Sunday 13th! :)

We have a free climbing wall too! :D


Fantastic! Of course we will come! :) Sounds good :)



I just hope that the profits from the festival are put into the park and not into the pockets of promoters.


To be fair, the promoter of the festival is Heason Events, an independent events management company who are doing a heck of a lot for Sheffield because they believe that Sheffield deserves to have quality festivals. They also do the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival ShAFF, and Cliffhanger outdoor pursuits festival too, which promotes healthy living and sporting activity for youngsters and oldsters alike! This is not some money grubbing large conglomerate...check out their site here if you want to see for yourself!


...and also I believe that the event is actually organised by our own council.

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