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How do I join a working men's club?


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Originally posted by Mo

I can remember when they couldn't then they passed a rule that enabled women to be token members (my terminology). They paid some subs but had no voting rights at all.

You don't get much more sexist than that.


I am not sure if this type of rule still exists.


Anyway I thought all the WMCs had closed.




Unfortunately this is still the case. I know I have one of these memberships at Idsworth Road Club (near firvale).




Your wife doesn't need a membership to get in with you and as some of the others have said you do have to get someone to nominate you.

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theres tons of them. and its as many women there as men.


the bands are usually a lot better than you'd expect (whizz kids, alexanders palace & ghost to name a few) but the places havent been decorated since 1970 and the owners are jobsworths....(well ones ive seen have)


id just fone up ur local one and see whats what.. im pretty sure its a yearly fee of something quite minimal....tenner or something.

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  • 6 months later...

Usually the bigger the club the better the turn except those that are struggling you are better contacting someone who goes to the clubs regular. If they are a member there they can propose you. You may have to pay the subs up for the year.

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Originally posted by Classic Rock

I'd really like to go to see a band, but just as a one off. Do you know if there's a way to get in to see them without being a member?


If you know someone at the club they can sign you in.


If you don't you could always hang around outside, and make friends!!!

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