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BNP wins seat in London Assembly

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Look at the turnout percentage in elections, and subtract that from 100% ..... that will give you the figure ......


Wow... I found the lowest turnout in the country was in a liverpool ward... Where only 11 percent of voters bothered to vote.


I imagine that is low but I cant find anything with the full stats on. I am guessing with percentages like that, if the whole country was forced to vote the poles would be very different...

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the vast majority??? do you have any facts to back your arguement... there is no way of knowing what the vast majority thinks. All you ever know is what the media wants you to think... And the media are not the vast majority...


I think I am on very safe ground in concluding that the vast majority of people do actually think that any political party that does not condemn or expel members who have criminal convictions for drug dealing, assault, football hooliganism, burglary, rape, bomb making and armed robbery is reprehensible.


This isn't even taking into account of the numerous convictions that BNP members have for racist attacks, that is sort of taken as a given; after all the BNPs leader is a convicted racist.


Don't you find the actions of a party that welcomes these type of people into their fold reprehensible?

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The BNP has such a miniscule proportion of the votes, so why should the main stream parties take into account their views. The vast majority of people find the BNP reprehensible.


I don't find them reprehensable and I respect people's right to vote for them. That said I am not a BNP supporter myself becuase I think a lot of their policies are not well thought out and impracticable. Getting rid of all imigrants would be bad for the country and the ecconomy and their economic policy would involve massive import controls and a severe reduction in consumer choice.

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I don't find them reprehensable and I respect people's right to vote for them. That said I am not a BNP supporter myself becuase I think a lot of their policies are not well thought out and impracticable. Getting rid of all imigrants would be bad for the country and the ecconomy and their economic policy would involve massive import controls and a severe reduction in consumer choice.


If you don't find people who are convicted for drug dealing, assault, football hooliganism, burglary, rape, bomb making and armed robbery reprehensible that's fair enough. I guess we all have different standards eh?

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Could any BNP member or supporter tel me if the leader****p challenge is giong ahead or not. all seems a biot confuising


What makes you think it is not? A Kirklees Newspaper has reported it and the thread on Stormfront is on page 56 already.


According to Colin Auty's blogspot he has these backers already:


Adrian Wood (East Mids)

Alan Girvan (Yorkshire)

Bev Jones (North West)

Cllr Chris Beverley (Yorkshire)

Cllr Joanne Beverley (Yorkshire)

Cllr Malcolm Porter (East Midlands)

Cllr Roger Robertson (South East)

Cllr Sadie Graham (suspended member - East Mids)

Dave Jones (North West)

Geoff Carr (Yorkshire)

Lee Haggan (Yorkshire)

Louise Scott (Yorkshire)

Matt Single (suspended member - East Mids)

Richard Chadfield (North West)

Sharon Towers (Yorkshire)

Simon Towers (Yorkshire)

Tom Linden (Yorkshire)

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  • 2 years later...
Just for those that didn't know :D



The British National Party has won its first seat on the London Assembly after passing the 5% voter threshold.


Candidate Richard Barnbrook, leader of the BNP group on Barking and Dagenham Council and a mayoral candidate, will take up one of the 25 assembly seats.


BNP spokesman Simon Darby welcomed the win: "We've witnessed the first major politician elected not for telling lies but for telling the truth."




There's a video of his speech on the link in which he intends to campaign for an end to positive dicrimination in the capitol.


Good luck to him :thumbsup:



Just over two years since the OP and Barnbrook has been chucked out of the BNP.


BNP expels Richard Barnbrook as bitter feud threatens to tear apart party

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