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BNP wins seat in London Assembly

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Mate. That is possibly the only post in which you've spoken sense.





SO what exactly is not sensible about saying the BNP's success is probably on the back of the failure of the other partys to address real issues.


I've been saying this over and over again.

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Considering the impact of their policy on immigration would destroy the economy and NHS, it is not a matter of not trusting them.


Strange how we seemed to manage well enough before :rolleyes:

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Strange how we seemed to manage well enough before :rolleyes:

before what?

weve had immigrants arriving on these shores forever


or is it only immigrants that arrived after say 2005 that the bnp will send back?

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SO what exactly is not sensible about saying the BNP's success is probably on the back of the failure of the other partys to address real issues.


I've been saying this over and over again.


Erm, I was agreeing with you- but what 'real issues' are you refering to here...?


Let me guess? Immigration?


It's not that the BNP are 'addressing' the issue as such, it's that they're playing upon the population's fears.


Do they have any concrete plans as to how to address the immigration issue? I seriously doubt it.

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Mel, did you vote? I bet you didn't. So therefore your opinion on people voting is mute. I always had you down as a anarchist yet it seems you might be a 'new' labour wage slave toady.


no i didnt vote, still have opinions

i hate em all (parasites) but i know how dangerous the bnp are, i do not support labour at all, never have


and i aint gonna let this thread turn into yet another me thread...its about the bnp NOT ME

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