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Where's the Gay Scene?


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this is my theory - if it helps !!


The gay "scene" in Sheffield, believe it or not was much better in the 1980's than it is now!! - yes its true!!!


I have 2 theories actually:


1 - the reason it is so bad for such a large city has something to do with the police and the magistrates granting licences (ie, they are very bigotted and not forward thinking)




2 - Gay people have become much more accepted these days and maybe its the done thing not to "ghettoise" - is that a word??, a group of people



Actually, if you go down West Street pubs at the weekend youll find loads of gay people mixing with straight people AND with no trouble - quite amazing really


theres my theory anyway - and, by the way I am gay too (yes another one!!!)

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Does anyone know what's happened to Dabble at the Leadmill, there wasn't one last month and I haven't seen anything about it, maybe its going to be over August Bank holiday but I will be in Manchester at Pride so not going to miss that really.


I think its a shame that Sheffields scene is a bit on the rubbish side. I mean fairy likuid please its just awful and we dont have a pride, Leeds are doing a rainbow weekend and have a good gay scene how come they can manage it??


I think Sheffield should wake up and try and be a bit more like Leeds and Manchester.


I mean Manchester Pride is great I go every year its got the right idea completley, lots of fun set around their gay scen, AND it raises loads of money for charity. Maybe thats what Sheffield should get in on, doing charity things for the gay scene, maybe the magistrates will be a bit easier on us all then?

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I've heard the Climax all day'er extends into Western park in the daytime. Is this true ? Can't believe it myself, in Sheffield too ?!!


Yes, I agree Princess M, Fairy Likuid is awful and so obvious (ie. cheese on cheesy rubbish music). The trouble is, all these 'gay' nights are made for 'Marco's' (as in BB). It's full of screamers ! Annoying campers camping it up. More mincers than a sausage factory.


Hate Dempsey's too due to that 'Poundland' feel. Low life gaydom ! No style, no character, no attitude which are all the elements missing in Sheffields gay scene and clubs.


The best one (but not exactly great either) is Climax. At least they have a slightly differing music polcy in the 2nd room but even then it's getting a bit obvious, playing the same choons each month.


Have I missed any out ?

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CLIMAX - the best by far!


Been going for 6 years and I'm still not teird of it.


Think Sheffield is in desperate need of a decent full time gay club in Sheffield though.


Something on the same scale as NG1 in Nottingham and Queens Court in Leeds would do Gr8t business!


Some people will say there isn't the demand for it in Sheffield but when you consider how many people go to Climax (which is incidently the University of Sheffield Union's most successful monthly club night) and when you also consider that there are over 500 registered profiles for gaymen in Sheffield on Gaydar.co.uk, who knows how many gay people live in Sheffield are unregistered, I'd estimate about 75% aren't.


The only reasons the last few full time gay clubs have bombed, i.e. Freedom and Planet is because the venues was so cheap and nasty with over priced drinks and the club manager's was only thinking about bleedin the pink pound dry!


Think it's only a matter of time before someone with the money and nouse comes along and opens a 1st rate gay venue in Sheffield which will set the standards for other gay pubs/clubs in the city.


God I wish they would hurry up! I cant afford to keep travelling to Leeds and I dont want have to live in Leeds before anyone tells me to **** off over there!

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Money itself and prospectors cannot bring Sheffield the gay choice it deserves to have. What Sheffield council, planners, magistrates, police and every other organisation that "governs" the city needs is a "kick up the ass" - they seem to be backward thinking instead of moving with the times


Its fine making Sheffield a "mecca" for students but what about the minorities such as us gay people that get left behind not only other cities in the UK but some small towns which have a better gay choice than we have here!!!


Even if money is poured into providing a decent gay scene in Sheffield happens, the question is WILL the magistrates grant a licence plus will the POLICE do something underhand to block it??


Me cynical? - no, Im a realist, Ive seen it all before.

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Why is the Sheffield governing authorities so backward thinking when it comes to catering for it's gay community?


What have they got to fear?


Straight and gay people mix in the pubs and bars without any problems on West St and Division St/Devonshire St.


Sheffield hetrosexuals are alot more tolerant than many other cities when it comes to its gay community.

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Its not the people of Sheffield that stop there being a good gay nightlife, its the authorities, ie, such as licensing and police etc.


Over the years generally the gay establishments have been run by one owner(s), its common knowledge, the whole scene has been monopolised basically, and when strangers have tried to get in as it were, they have been "blocked"


Political - dodgy dealings, call it what you will but this has taken place over the years and appears still to do so - this is the main reason why us gay people have to "put up" with such a deplorable gay scene in whats supposed to be one of the biggest and cosmopolitan cities in the UK.

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