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Where's the Gay Scene?


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I've lived and worked in London, Leeds and Manchester and know that these are places where things change fast. Not everyone wants to go out at 8 on Friday, but I did in Sheffield once and the place was dead. This doesn't happen elsewhere. What is it with girls and gay bars? Maybe it's the music or the non-threatening atmosphere, but the gay bars I've been taken to have been really good. Don't know the name, but the music at some bar in Queen's Court Leeds was awesome. small venue great non-commercial dance music, great night out. Just have to apologise for crashing someone else's scene. OK I've had a drink and probably going off-topic. If you haven't seen Bush/Blair doing Gay Bar by Electric 6 check it out: http://www.campchaos.com/show.php?iID=647 but I guess you have and you hate it. You haven't seen me.

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Message by spinac:

"What is it with girls and gay bars?"


??? Could you clarify please?


Queens Court in Leeds is really good on the right night, but it's not like any gaybars we have in Sheffield.


Guess what I'm saying is the gay scene and gay community is just as diverse as straight culture and can't be pigeon holed into one thing, which a lot straight people assume it is.


Message from spinac:

"Not everyone wants to go out at 8 on Friday, but I did in Sheffield once and the place was dead. This doesn't happen elsewhere"


It's certainly never dead when I've gone out in town before at just gone 8pm, especially in the summer, depends where you go I suppose, which you could say about any city or town to be honest.

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right seriously, i live din manchester and london and both have fab gay scenes, but now im back in sheffield im dying here!! anyone want to take me to a gaybar? dont have any gay mates in sheffield and miss it like hell. looking to meet gay guys/gals! let me know and we can go for a drink! then we can meet a sheffield forum gay meet if all goes well :)


Pm me!



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dunno about poptastic, but if (and only if) sheffield was to develop a Canal Street (but less common, obviously), where would it go? i think it needs to be away from main going-out areas, but not in the middle of nowhere (like the failed one in attercliffe).

so, i think:

1. trippet lane area

2. those little backroads by gatecrasher

3. hillsbro corner (joke)


any ideas?

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