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Hands Up If You Attended Frecheville School Mid 50s

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did you attend Frecheville Secondary Modern School in the mid 1950s, if so, what are your memories?


I went to Frecheville school from the beginning of 1957 to 1958 and got more

stick from "Greeny" than anybody. I remember Mr. Slater, he had the lab and

gave gardening and came to school in a Ford Consul. Mr Dyson was the woodwork teacher and Mr. Bastek the music teacher. Old Bennett the head, used to dish out the stick and it was very embarassing if you happened to be on the caning list for the morning assembly. After the stick, you usually had to stand alongside the little kids until assembly was over. His wife gave art and was OK.

Then there was " Bullet" (named because of the shape of his head) who gave geography. The boy`s sports teacher also used to dish out the stick and I remember

getting four of the best for making a noise in the showers after somebody

had slapped me in a very sensitive place. There were never questions asked.

The funny thing about getting the cane was, you never knew how many

strokes you were going to get, and you didn´t dare ask !!!

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I was "educated " at Frecheville from 57 to 61. Mr Mallinder was the Geography teacher and Mr Stenton took boys' sports.

Does anyone remember the Christmas concerts? Every class had to provide a 5 - 10 minute slot of entertainment. In 1958 one group of pupils formed a skiffle band ( complete with guitars, washboard and tea chest bass) and sang " Tom Dooley". It brought the house down, much to the dismay of the teachers- although I'm sure some of them enjoyed it !

Did anyone go on trips abroard with school? Switzerland and Belgium come to mind.

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Hi echo beach, you´re jogging my memory now!

Unfortunately I don´t remember the Christmas concerts but I do remember a "Greeny"

incident during the Christmas dinner in the canteen. There were extra helpings of Christ.

pudding to be had and I had too much too much and could not join in the hip, hip, hurray

bit for the staff. Miss Green dot not miss a thing so she had me come to the front and

called all sorts of names at the same time prodding me with her finger. It´s the only time

I wished I could have been sick !

Ray ( Hookie) Hancock went to Switzerland with the school but I cannot rember the year,

but either 57 or 58. Unfortunately he got knocked down and killed on Birley Moor Road

about 15 years ago.

PS I have a photo of the school´s mixed swimming team. We all swam in a gala at Cresswell baths.

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  • 1 year later...

Anyone remember Mrs Body - the Cookery teacher - she was like a stick insect and about as interesting! My mate Lynne and I had to wallpaper the dining area in the cooking room and we put the wallpaper on upside down - she swore we had done it on purpose - as if !! we did go in the stock room and eat the dried fruit though- oh we were so 'copped' one day by miss Green, we were having a crafty fag in the girls loo and Hillary passed it the wrong way under the partition- guess who to? Yep miss Green - my hand was read for days.

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