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Devonshire Cat meet - wednesday the 16th of Febuary


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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

Just to say, my wife and I enjoyed your company very much last night. It was lovely.


Once again, thanks.


Good to almost meet you too mate - you're just how I imagined! ;):P


It was great to get face-to-face with some of the people I have met in my time with SF, and to prove to myself that you are not just lumps of text on a monitor!


Yep! Some of us are lumps in real life too :hihi::thumbsup:


Hope to do it again real soon!


Aha! well...heres your chance:



Alternatively, I think the next meet is 2nd of March in the Green Room - keep your eyes peeled for announcements! (neil - that your baby?)

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hmm i felt very very dodgy...after about a hour i suddenly realised i could be sick at any moment so i decided to shut my trap before something other than words came out.


and now im off work sick...no pay...ah well who cares..im still glad i went.


next time i'll be healthy coz im gonna sleep for the next 4 days :D


i feel quite clued up to who people are now....wahey!

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