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Devonshire Cat meet - wednesday the 16th of Febuary


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Originally posted by steelcitybab

im just curious... dont want to be baby of group lol


The group is a mish mash of different ages. It's rare that such an age diverse group enjoy each other's company like this. You'll be more than welcomed.

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I may be able to come down for an hour or so, if you can put up with me. I have avoided these get-togethers in the past for fear of looking out of place due to my 'old age'.


If I do come the age range will be stretched even more from 18 - 48 - but a very young 48, I hope - if only in mind.

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Originally posted by scottf

i dunno- i was just gonna go and stand in there and ask people "are you from the forum" - someone has to say yes sometime :D


Yeah that's what I tried on Thursday. Unfortunately the group had no idea what I was on about. I shuffled away and found the real group in another room.

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