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Windows XP

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Just got myself a new PC with windows XP pre-installed.

It seems to be very slow compared with windows ME which is what I had before. I have read that XP hogs recources but a new pc should operate fine shoud it not?

I have been told it's because XP has to read an image of itself when you give it a command.

I cant format either (I think) as I only have a recovery disk.


It's not as lightning fast as I thought it would be.

Can anything be done to speed it up?


Love me new TFT monitor though.:D

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It is possible to format your hardrive to remove xp. Though you dont do it through a startup disk like windows 9x and Me. It is done through the cd (the genuine windows xp cd). You need to boot up from the cd drive when the computer loads up. As for speed. Well it should be quick. There is nothing on the hardrive except for system files and the odd program. I know several mates who have bought pre built computers and I must admit there pc's booted up far quicker than mine and mine is newer and of a higher spec. (built by myself) so the only thing I can see is they mess around with msconfig to load only what is needed to get the speed quick. Im not sure whether anyone on here can back me up with that but its odd.

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I don't recommend installing ME - it's considered a mickey mouse OS - If you want windows stick to Windows 2000 or XP - they're still supported by microsoft and are reliable enough to use.


What exactly about the system seems slow?

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After boot up, which is fast if I click on say publisher it seems to take an age to load. I can hear the needle on the HD going barmy. Same with any other programme.

I might be expecting too much for it to appear just like magic.

Everything else seems fine.


Windows ME wasn't stable at all, system kept crashing so i'll stick with XP.

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2.6+Athlon processor

80 gig HD

512 ram



3D AGP nVidia GeForce 4MX


It says all that on the front:o

I know what most of it means which is why I don't understand why it takes an age to load anything.

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Should be ample - the best thing to do might be to reformat your drives, and re-install everything the way you want it. Ie Windows XP and all progs - have you got the install disks?

Might be a right pain, but better to do it now when you've just got it rather than when you've got loads of stuff on it.

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The hot weather shouldn't be causing this trouble at all, if hot weather was affecting your machine it would be the CPU which is most sensitive and a failure there would just lead to a crash. Unless it got really hot in which case you wouldn't be able to load the system at all.


Just sounds like microsoft bloat to me.

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