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BBC Radio Sheffield

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1 hour ago, steved32 said:

Had the misfortune to overhear some of the breakfast show today.  Toby F. and his sycophantic co-presenters, the jingles, TF's supposedly comedic voices, impersonating nobody in particular.


Utter tripe.



You should have heard him last week.  Virtually an entire show about him having his Land Rover headlights nicked. 

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I'm a tutor and as local news items are often brought up in class, I listen to Sheffield on my commute in a morning. Keeping myself in the loop 😀. No teacher likes to be seen as unprepared. I won't listen to Hallam as it's too music-centric. That leaves Toby. Now, I'd be the first to say, as a regular listener, that sometimes he comes across as a right pain. He isn't half as funny as he thinks he is BUT, he a good detector of <removed> I love it when some politico comes on spouting the party line and Toby proceeds to rip them apart. He often puts interviewees on the ropes as I would like to but can't as I'm driving😀😀

Rest of the day I'm a 5 Live or Radio 4 kind of bloke. Mind you, I'd never miss Praise Or Grumble. That's the station's jewel-in-the-crown.

Edited by nikki-red
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Try doing this; tune in to Radio Sheffield about 8.45 am, when the pointless, banal, infantile, inconsequential chatter is at its febrile peak (possibly because the coffee has kicked in and the ‘jokes’ have been stretched beyond breaking point). Then, after 5 minutes move the tuning dial round a few notches until you reach Radio 3, just notice the wonderfully calming  effect on your brain and body as you encounter a Haydn string quartet or other such magnificence.

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6 hours ago, Runningman said:

I have listened to Radio Sheffield since they started in was it 1968 ?

Yes, Toby Foster has had his day or perhaps he should be told to improve / vary his output in some way

I didn't always agree with the views of Rony Robinson, Tony Capstick or Michael Cook, all stalwarts of the breakfast / morning show but one thing that I do recognise them for is their expertise & professionalism in holding a programme together all ON THEIR OWN.  They didn't need sycophantic props to support them. 

Edited by Baron99
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14 hours ago, Runningman said:

I have listened to Radio Sheffield since they started in was it 1968 ?

Yes, Toby Foster has had his day or perhaps he should be told to improve / vary his output in some way

1967, they were at Broomhill then.

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Sheffield United release 'extended highlights' of their most previous match about 2 days following the game.


This season they've used the RS radio commentary with the action.


On Youtube there have been many favourable comments by fans of other clubs about the quality of the commentary.


In my opinion the RS sports presenters are first class, some better than those on larger radio sports programmes. 


Football Heaven and Praise or Grumble about the only programmes I listen to nowadays. 

Edited by abbeyedges
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  • 1 month later...
Guest busdriver1

when I first moved to the area, I did listen to radio Sheffield but that did not last very long. Their output is in the main boring and fotball centered. There are a great many people like me that do not enjoy the sport and find the level of coverage of it out of proportion to its appeal. I previously lived in the home counties where local BBC radio was excellent and whilst sport was covered it was to a lesser degree and there was a more interactive approach to programming. 

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