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BBC Radio Sheffield

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Anyone listen to BBC Radio Sheffield, don't you think it captures the 'old' Radio Hallam in the old days of broadcasting from hartshead before it became a 'youth culture' station. I liked Roger Moffat and Ray Stuart, anyone remember Roger's lion story in Nether Edge?

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Well !! As Roney Robinson is a frequent visitor on here, along with a load of other radio sheffield members i cant understand your point ?? Its Sheffield Forum for sheffield peoples topics and points of view,, pretty much the same as radio sheffield,s remit !! So do we need more adverts on here then ?? Or to that point do we really need Gareth welshy ?? and homeopaths and reflexologist and allergy ist ;) every week ?? In other words " if its dealt !! Deal with it ;):D:D

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I must admit, I like listening to Radio Sheffield now and again, especially the phone ins after the footie matches. :hihi: I think they let Sheffield down with the local issues coverage, somewhat though, to be honest. Take after the local elections the other day, I wanted to hear loads more, but after a couple of hours, they moved on to a programme about sleeping disorders. :loopy: It was a BIG news day for Sheffield, for heavens sake, and I'm sure there were loads of people who wanted to take part in a phone in about the local elections.

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I think they let Sheffield down with the local issues coverage, somewhat though, to be honest. Take after the local elections the other day, I wanted to hear loads more, but after a couple of hours, they moved on to a programme about sleeping disorders. :loopy:



I agree with that.


Sometimes, when I've tuned in part way through an interview that has nothing to do with a local issue that's of interest to me, I've had to check I'm actually listening to Radio Sheffield and not tuned into Radio 4, 5, 6, 7 or whatever...



I'd like to hear about more Sheffield issues, as I care little for Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster. And I care even less about that village on the outskirts of Bradford :rant:

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I'd like to hear about more Sheffield issues, as I care little for Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster. And I care even less about that village on the outskirts of Bradford :rant:


Oi whats wrong with Bradford? It's L**ds thats the problem:hihi::hihi:

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Toby does the best breakfast radio show around. I'm sure when Terry Wogan goes on holiday if they put Toby in.......................... he get took off the air, for something he'd say:hihi::hihi:. But no seriously he's great people wouldn't want Terry back.

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