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BBC Radio Sheffield

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After Radio sheffileds performance this week the sooner the better.


On Sunday they were reporting on the noon travel


Relacement buses replace trams between Fitzalan Sq & ponds forge , what a disgrave this is the same tram stop they changed it by 1230 to the correct information ,.


Today we had no trams between fitzalan sq and herdings no mention of halway


If this is the best local radio can do then sorry shut it .

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I know you'll want to castrate me for saying this but I just don't like Toby Foster's voice. Those gravelly tones just don't make pleasant listening. Sorry!


I don't listen to Radio Sheffield often. Whilst Football Heaven is, in principle a good programme, you have to endure some of South Yorkshire's most cerebrally challenged morons arguing 'ref at t' lane wor a disgrace'.


I put Radio Sheffield on when it snows to see if my daughters' schools are open. Once I've established that, I revert to my usual channels.


Radio York is a model of how local radio should sound. Relevant, interesting and compared to Radio Sheffield, 'modern'.

Roney can get up your wick and Toby Foster is to opinionated [that is when he is not telling us that his kids got two house points at school etc].

Paulette Edwards and Howard Pressman are both very good local broadcasters .

The thing is if we as Sheffielders do not back R.S. then we will lose it.

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The thing is if we as Sheffielders do not back R.S. then we will lose it.


But why should be back an organisation that is claiming it should survive due to its imense local knowledge when it is not fit for purpose.

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But why should be back an organisation that is claiming it should survive due to its imense local knowledge when it is not fit for purpose.

And your alternative?

Or perhaps you would like the ridiculous situation that we have with B.B.C. Look north which in actual fact means anywhere north of Barnsley.

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Did you hear this morning???


Toby Foster did a fifteen minute interview about bee keeping. It was absolutely awful. This was after a piece on renewable energy which sounded like the guest was drunk. To top it off he went to interview someone in the car park and the show went off air for five minutes. Amateur amateur amateur.


I've been a fan of Toby Foster but theyve obviously decided to do more "twee" stuff. When I got to work they still had it on and the phone in was on and Toby was back on form but I wonder if hes just marking time during the news stuff.

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And another thing. Howie Pressman is on this week instead of Rony Robinson, and he's even worse. Howie, WE KNOW THAT YOU"RE NOT LISTENING. When he does interviews it doesn't matter what the other person says he just reads the next question out. He never reacts to what's been said.

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ive been on 3 times now, loveley people, tobys the man , les alinos, paulettes so nice, from pitsmoor way where i had my first job on ellesemere rd, the receptionists loveley,try the alternative, trevor thomas on magic( repeat ),i meant magic am where he plays the same crap every day:rant:and i have had a few customers in mi shop saying......i heard you on the radio craig....today a chap was talking about wild birds and wildlife in sheffield gardens, you dont get that with the commercial crap in sheffield radio stations..long live radio sheffield!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by craig12
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