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BBC Radio Sheffield

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I thought it was very funny this morning.


Did anyone hear yesterdays peurile rendering with the whale music, in which Toby Foster (always one to go for the old, ill informed, uneducated, simple minded, because anyone with an ounce of intelligence could easily take him apart) wound up his last caller by playing the whale sounds over his comments, when the man complained that Toby was deliberately winding him up Toby's sharp response - drowning him out by playing it over him.

Totally pathetic piece of radio.

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I have noticed that on certain subjects they do seem to select who they have a debate with


With brexit back in JUne the remainers tended to be well educated, but the pro brexit people were carefully selected so they could be ripped apart on air


No, that merely highlights the stupidity of those Brexiters that chose to call into Our Tobias' comedy show and express their ignorance in public to the entire South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire region.


Something similar happened when that footballer-who-must-not-be named was in the news a while back:


Ignorant caller: "He's done his time, let him play"

Radio host: "What if it was your daughter?"

Ignorant caller: "Ah, that's different"


Car crash radio as its best (or worst)

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Guest makapaka

I think it's time for a change.


I'm not a hater of Toby foster but the shows a bit tired now and he's not particularly funny anymore, there's a bit of self righteousness creeping in to his comments / interviews etc.

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I think it's time for a change.


I'm not a hater of Toby foster but the shows a bit tired now and he's not particularly funny anymore, there's a bit of self righteousness creeping in to his comments / interviews etc.


We did have a change once. . . remember that Kafakesque episode when Our Tobias was kicked off his comedy show for a while? The other presenters were stupefyingly boring.


When Our Tobias gets his teeth into a story, such as the Rovvrem CSE scandal, he'll go at the guilty party with a vengeance; his interview style was brutal and uncompromising, and he did get a great job in putting those who turned a blind eye to the scandal on the spot.


Unfortunately, when there isn't a major story breaking. . . that's when we're treated to whale music :roll:


Fortunately, most radios these days have an OFF button.


(Other radio stations are also available).

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Guest makapaka
We did have a change once. . . remember that Kafakesque episode when Our Tobias was kicked off his comedy show for a while? The other presenters were stupefyingly boring.


When Our Tobias gets his teeth into a story, such as the Rovvrem CSE scandal, he'll go at the guilty party with a vengeance; his interview style was brutal and uncompromising, and he did get a great job in putting those who turned a blind eye to the scandal on the spot.


Unfortunately, when there isn't a major story breaking. . . that's when we're treated to whale music :roll:


Fortunately, most radios these days have an OFF button.


(Other radio stations are also available).


He has been good and you're right it was worse when temp presenters were in while he was off - but there must be some other local talent out there to freshen it up?

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Just found Radio 2, love it �� Don't listen to anything else now, so thanks Toby Foster, it was you that made me find something else, you get on my boobies!


Who's the presenter ?


I used to listen to Radio 2 a few years ago when Terry Wogan presented the morning show. . . but of course he is sadly no longer presenting.


And that annoying ginger twerp makes me turn off the radio :roll:


Little wonder that 'new' top gear is a ratings disaster with him in the driving seat (pun intended)

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