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BBC Radio Sheffield

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Well, I tune in to RS to catch up on local news, traffic, weather, so I inevitably have to have my ears assaulted by Foster, Pressman, et alia at some point. But no longer than is necessary.


It is absolutely pants.


Well the traffics on at set times and weathers available on many mediums these days.

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Well, I tune in to RS to catch up on local news, traffic, weather, so I inevitably have to have my ears assaulted by Foster, Pressman, et alia at some point. But no longer than is necessary.


It is absolutely pants.


The news,traffic and local weather comes on every hour...not that difficult to miss having your "ears assaulted" is it...?



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I occasionally switch to radio sheffield in the morning when I get annoyed with Nicky Campbell on 5-live loving the sound of his own voice and asking his multi-claused questions. And again in the afternoon when Adrian Durham on Talk Sport is trying just a bit too hard to be controversial and shockjockish.


The only time I ever switch to radio sheffield because I actually want to hear what is on is when the roads might be affected by snow, (or for example when we had gridlock due to the flooding a few years ago) or on sunday mornings, when I do quite like Clueless - just for the quiz aspect of it, I'm not so keen on the style of the presenters, and the mateyness with the regular phoners-in.



First paragraph very much as I see those presenters. Campbell is very irritating and Durham has been adopting that pose for years, his duet with the ex- cricketer ( can't remember name) became boring a long time ago.

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Yet again, Foster scrapes the barrel. As if boring the pants off the audience with endless anecdotes about wifey's Christmas present, he yet again has his kid on air.


Egotistical nepotism.

He ant as he , whatever next his shopping list int Asda or his lost scooter or!!!!!!!!!!!.

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