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ROCK!!! All Summer long at the Dove and Rainbow...

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sigh...i wasn't online in the early hours, posting on forums, yog sothoth was doing some ebay stuff and forgot to log out as me and posted:


"great pub"


which is bloke shorthand; the 2 word summary of what a girly would describe in a 100 words, every one of those words being necessary (for us girlies.) so yog, stop posting under my name you great big hairy loon :roll::love::roll:


anyway i have been meaning to come on here as soon as i got a free minute, to say that me and yog spent friday night at the dove and rainbow and it was great to finally meet goldenfleece IRL, someone whose postings i've admired for a long time. in fact just on the strength of goldenfleece's postings, a few months ago i recommended that someone i knew, let's call the person "xyz" go to see goldenfleece for advice. xyz is in the publican business and the public were starting to complain about the staff and management at xyz's bar making up prices off the tops of their heads and ripping people off, and i said to xyz "look, you've got to give instead of taking, and you have to be honest, with yourself and with your public. go and see this bloke goldenfleece and just ask him for advice because from reading his postings he knows his **** when it comes to being a publican." xyz didn't think much of my idea. well, you can lead a horse to water...


going back to the dove and rainbow, we used to go to the old dove and rainbow and it seems to me that the best aspects of that pub have been kept (the inspiration for the decor and the relaxed atmosphere) and the not so great aspects vastly improved on. the pub now looks really clean, the beer was very well kept, the girls' bogs were clean (always a plus point) and the staff were friendly and had great communication skills. it was nice to meet ghostrider IRL too :)


a really fantastic night out, GREAT music (thanks goldenfleece :thumbsup: ) and we would have stayed longer but i had to get up at 6.30am and cook for 5 hours as i was putting a big spread on for yog's family and i'm too much of a lightweight to do catering without a good night's kip!

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sigh...i wasn't online in the early hours, posting on forums, yog sothoth was doing some ebay stuff and forgot to log out as me and posted:


"great pub"


It was a pleasure to meet you and look forward to seeing you more often. Many thanks for your comments, a kind of mini 'review' in fact, and I will add that paragraph to our web site later if you don't mind, as I think it sums up what a lot of people have tried to encapsulate before, but not quite as succinctly.:)


It was a great Friday:)

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sigh...i wasn't online in the early hours, posting on forums, yog sothoth was doing some ebay stuff and forgot to log out as me and posted:


"great pub"


which is bloke shorthand; the 2 word summary of what a girly would describe in a 100 words, every one of those words being necessary (for us girlies.) so yog, stop posting under my name you great big hairy loon :roll::love::roll:


anyway i have been meaning to come on here as soon as i got a free minute, to say that me and yog spent friday night at the dove and rainbow and it was great to finally meet goldenfleece IRL, someone whose postings i've admired for a long time. in fact just on the strength of goldenfleece's postings, a few months ago i recommended that someone i knew, let's call the person "xyz" go to see goldenfleece for advice. xyz is in the publican business and the public were starting to complain about the staff and management at xyz's bar making up prices off the tops of their heads and ripping people off, and i said to xyz "look, you've got to give instead of taking, and you have to be honest, with yourself and with your public. go and see this bloke goldenfleece and just ask him for advice because from reading his postings he knows his **** when it comes to being a publican." xyz didn't think much of my idea. well, you can lead a horse to water...


going back to the dove and rainbow, we used to go to the old dove and rainbow and it seems to me that the best aspects of that pub have been kept (the inspiration for the decor and the relaxed atmosphere) and the not so great aspects vastly improved on. the pub now looks really clean, the beer was very well kept, the girls' bogs were clean (always a plus point) and the staff were friendly and had great communication skills. it was nice to meet ghostrider IRL too :)


a really fantastic night out, GREAT music (thanks goldenfleece :thumbsup: ) and we would have stayed longer but i had to get up at 6.30am and cook for 5 hours as i was putting a big spread on for yog's family and i'm too much of a lightweight to do catering without a good night's kip!

It was nice to meet both of you as well - glad you enjoyed your evening :D
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and it was great to finally meet goldenfleece IRL, someone whose postings i've admired for a long time. in fact just on the strength of goldenfleece's postings, a few months ago i recommended that someone i knew, let's call the person "xyz" go to see goldenfleece for advice. xyz is in the publican business and the public were starting to complain about the staff and management at xyz's bar making up prices off the tops of their heads and ripping people off, and i said to xyz "look, you've got to give instead of taking, and you have to be honest, with yourself and with your public. go and see this bloke goldenfleece and just ask him for advice because from reading his postings he knows his **** when it comes to being a publican."


You know I never really think of myself, or would define myself as a 'publican', because literally the history of the term means,

'public contractors, in which role they often supplied the Roman legions and military, managed the collection of port duties, and oversaw public building projects. In addition, they served as tax collectors for the Republic (and later the Roman Empire), bidding on contracts (from the Senate in Rome) for the collection of various types of taxes.' (Wikipedia)


It's only in recent times the meaning has altered,

'By the time of the Renaissance, the word "publican" meant a tavernkeeper (the licensed landlord of a public house), and a slang term for a pimp.'


Been called a lot of things before but.......:hihi:

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You know I never really think of myself, or would define myself as a 'publican', because literally the history of the term means,

'public contractors, in which role they often supplied the Roman legions and military, managed the collection of port duties, and oversaw public building projects. In addition, they served as tax collectors for the Republic (and later the Roman Empire), bidding on contracts (from the Senate in Rome) for the collection of various types of taxes.' (Wikipedia)


It's only in recent times the meaning has altered,

'By the time of the Renaissance, the word "publican" meant a tavernkeeper (the licensed landlord of a public house), and a slang term for a pimp.'


Been called a lot of things before but.......:hihi:

The next idea for the dove.....


"Pimp my pub" :hihi:

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going back to the dove and rainbow, we used to go to the old dove and rainbow and it seems to me that the best aspects of that pub have been kept (the inspiration for the decor and the relaxed atmosphere) and the not so great aspects vastly improved on. the pub now looks really clean, the beer was very well kept, the girls' bogs were clean (always a plus point) and the staff were friendly and had great communication skills. it was nice to meet ghostrider IRL too :)


a really fantastic night out, GREAT music (thanks goldenfleece :thumbsup: ) and we would have stayed longer but i had to get up at 6.30am and cook for 5 hours as i was putting a big spread on for yog's family and i'm too much of a lightweight to do catering without a good night's kip!


Yeah. What she said. :mrgreen:


I'd heard that there were ten real ales at the Dove, and I was pleased to count 'em and find there WERE! :thumbsup:


I tried valiantly to work me way through them but only managed a paltry five before we had to go. Next time though, next time. :partyhat:


As well as quantity, I have to say your ales were superbly well kept.


It weren't all about t'beer though. I listen to all sorts of music but I'm a rocker at heart, and have been since my first gig (Thin Lizzy in 1979), so the Dove's music policy (is that the right word?) suits me fine. The fact that there's a proper rock jukebox, and that Goldenfleece played our requests when he got on the wheels of steel (Duality - Slipknot; Brown Sugar - Stones; Nightclubbing - Iggy; Barracuda - Heart, and I ant heard that last since I was at school in the 70s!) made me wonder why we'd not been goung there regularly (well, being skint plays a large part).


As a CAMRA member whose heartbeat (when I'm excited) mimics Philthy Phil Taylor's twin kick drums on 'Overkill', I was in pub and rock heaven.


Coupled to an afternoon visit to the Sheaf View yesterday, it made for a perfect beer weekender. :hihi:


Hey Goldenfleece, the Sheaf had a beer called Earthquake, a deep red 7.3% monster, full of bitter liquorice overtones that reminded me of 'imps' (remember them?). Can't remember the brewery for def but think it might have been Phoenix. Awesome brew. Bet your regulars would like it.:heyhey:

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I will add that paragraph to our web site later if you don't mind, as I think it sums up what a lot of people have tried to encapsulate before, but not quite as succinctly.:)


sure, you can quote me on that by name :)



Been called a lot of things before but.......:hihi:




The next idea for the dove.....


"Pimp my pub" :hihi:



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Hey Goldenfleece, the Sheaf had a beer called Earthquake, a deep red 7.3% monster, full of bitter liquorice overtones that reminded me of 'imps' (remember them?). Can't remember the brewery for def but think it might have been Phoenix. Awesome brew. Bet your regulars would like it.:heyhey:



yes its a Phoneix beer, will look out for that one it sounds nice....

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