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Anyone remember 'X clothes'?

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Can anyone remember the clothes shop in the 80's called X clothes?


My friend and I were trying to remember where it was and whats there now. It was somewhere near where the Bankers Draft pub is now. We bought some good clothes there, they were some good one offs there!

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It had at least two homes. Initially it was in that row of shops on Leopold St that borders Orchard Square. Then I think it moved down a bit further down from where The Bankers Draft is. There it had a hand painted shop sign that said X Clothes And Other Knobby Styles.


I loved that shop after I'd got over my initial fear of taking my first step through the doorway.

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The original X-clothes was a punk shop in Leeds. We used to go there every couple of months and load up with bondage trousers,t-shirts,bum flaps,badges,studded belts and god knows what else in the early 80's in our punk rocker days!

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The original X-clothes was a punk shop in Leeds. We used to go there every couple of months and load up with bondage trousers,t-shirts,bum flaps,badges,studded belts and god knows what else in the early 80's in our punk rocker days!


Yep, you're dead right.Me and my mate used to love going to X Clothes in Leeds, years before it was ever in Sheffield.It was the only place outside London at first, to sell crazy colour hair dye.Like you, we used to go every couple of months for stuff.It was a great place.

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