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Age of consent = 14

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I've read that channel 4 is about to start a series campaigning for the age of consent to be 14. I am outraged at this to say the least. At 14, a CHILD is not ready for sex, certainly not with fully grown adults. Grown men will be able to exploit young girls even more than they do now, and in my opinion, commit paedophilia. On top of this, whereas now men try to claim that a girl of 14 - 15 looks 16, it could well be that a 12 - 13 year old looks 14. Where will it end? We already have enough abductions and rapes of children, lowering the age of consent will simply afford them less protection. Thats my opinion anyway.

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My parents would have KILLED me if id have had sex at 14 and with good reason. You should be concentrating on school work at that age not going around having sex. Theres no need for it and its a dangerous thing to promote. Sex is getting more and more dangerous these days what with all the STIs around so if more people think its OK to do it, thats more people to harbour the diseases being passed around. Theres also pregnancy. I know people who got pregnant before finishing their GCSES and surprise surprise they didnt sit any so didnt get any qualifications even though some could have passed all of them if theyd have tried. What brilliant mothers theyll be to their babies. What kind of message is this sending to the poor little buggers.

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And in the real world that we live in people, sadly girls under the age of 14 are having sex.. I think the age of consent should be 18 but it will never stop underage sex..


were will it end channel four want the age of consent to be 14 then it will be 12 :x

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Sickening it is.... you see girls wandering in town who are clearly babies themselves and pushing a pram. I'm not saying all teenage girls are the same - thankfully most aren't, however it amazes me why they get into that situation. I dont agree with all this crap about " Sometimes it cant be helped" of course it can - DONT HAVE SEX !!!! I reckon raising it to 18 is about right.

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What a ridiculous suggestion, children at fourteen years of age are not ready for sexual intercourse. They have not fully developed either physically or mentally to be able to cope with the deep emotions which are involved.


Apart from the obvious dangers of disease, they should have lots more education and study, until they are mature enough to fully understand the risks which are ever present, in the problems of growing up in a hostile uncaring world.

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