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Age of consent = 14

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BTW, did anyone actually watch the documentary on Channel 4 (called "Adult at 14" or something).


If you actually did, you'd realise why the person narrating the documentary (can't remember her name) wants to lower the age of consent to 12! (Yes - twelve!)


The reason was that some people in the government were wanting to change the law to make it illegal to "do anything" (including kissing) under the age of 16. This would mean that if two 15 year olds kissed in public and got prosecuted, they would be added to the child sex offenders register. Ridiculous, obviously.


The important thing to remember is "consent". Just because you lower the age to 12 doesn't mean it's right for anyone to take advantage of anyone else.

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Originally posted by maxamus

it should be lowered to 14 but it has to be totally safe untill the age of 16. In France thats what happens there and there isnt as much teenage pregnanceies because its a reasonable law


Do you have proof of this? or any information about it? I am curious to hear more

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There are different and lower ages of concsent in many parts of Europe - I seem to remember Italy having an age of consent at 14 with certain stipulations attached.


I don't think lowering the age of consent in this country would help the teenage pregnances - it is just a simple demonstration of how teenagers are not willing to take responsibilitiy for their actions.


Education is key here not a free for all.


Also not ALL women can take the pill - every female on my husbands side of the family could never take the pill because of complications with cancer and blood pressure.

The pill is by no means the quick fix solution.



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Originally posted by maxamus



i want all u people that r against to know that it is a single persons choice to make the desion to have sex. i think it should be lowered to the age of 14 but it must be safe



Remember that the taxpayer will, probably by the sounds of your background, have to foot the bill for any offsprings that your 'partner(s)' give birth to, and also fund any treatment for all of the STDs you will have and spread.

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Originally posted by Belle

Do you have proof of this? or any information about it? I am curious to hear more

Don't need to know much other than nowhere in northern europe has a teenage preganancy rate anywhere near the uk rate

The UK has the highest number of teenage pregnancies in Western Europe and the highest number of unmarried teenage mothers in the world.


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Thank you Phan, I am well aware of the problems of underage sex, unwanted pregnancies and STDs. I am occasionally involved in promoting safe sex and condoms etc and support the work of the drop-in centres around Sheffield that promote contraception and education for young people.


This message is directed to all, not to Phan who I feel sure will agree with the majority of what I have to say.


I was curious to hear of something that sounded rather bizarre to me, and I am fairly sure cannot be stood up. That would be the idea that there is a law in France that says it is okay to have sex underage as long as you dont get pregnant.


When I was at school there were rumours of kids using cling film for a condom. I shudder, really, at the ignorance and the fallout, but that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.


It is silly to think that we can put an age down for legal consensual sex and expect kids to follow it without exception.


I much prefer that we concentrate, despite what Sidla said about smoking in another thread, on education and making sure that young people do not any longer believe that


a. you cant get pregnant standing up

b. you cant pregnant the first time

c. you cant get pregnant unless there is full intercourse etc etc


I want young people to have full and total and easy access to the facts in the hope that if they insist on having sex anyway, they at least know the risks.


I also want to make sure that they understand all about STDs and how you can get them even with a condom, depending on what it is.


Crabs for instance are no respectors of condoms.


Sorry to be so detailed.


I want them to know that as well as possibly falling pregnant years before they would want to, they might also catch an STD that will make sure they never can get pregnant by rendering them infertile.


Those that think that by setting an age and preaching "just say no" will actually make a difference must be living in cloud cuckoo land, I was young once and I remember exactly how it was.


We MUST fight all attempts to restrict knowledge, for as we all know and must realise, knowledge is power


And here endeth today's lesson

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Since sex education was introduced, teen pregnancies have increased. How long before the lefties see that it simply doesn't work, and should be left to the parents, as and when they feel it appropriate? School sex education tells 11 year olds all about what sex is, using condoms, etc etc, and then come the end of the lesson, "now thats how you do it kids, but don't do it". Like thats going to work. Time to once again leave sex education to the parents and not the school.

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