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Age of consent = 14

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Originally posted by t020

Since sex education was introduced, teen pregnancies have increased. How long before the lefties see that it simply doesn't work, and should be left to the parents, as and when they feel it appropriate? School sex education tells 11 year olds all about what sex is, using condoms, etc etc, and then come the end of the lesson, "now thats how you do it kids, but don't do it". Like thats going to work. Time to once again leave sex education to the parents and not the school.


I dont agree that teen pregnancies have increased as a result of sex education. I dont believe there is enough sex education to start with and what there is, is often given by nervous and embarassed teachers who havent been given proper training and live in dread of that term coming around again each year.


Sex education has gone down hill in my view.


This is where we probably agree.


I am sure that some teachers are great at the education, and lots might come on to say so, but I am equally sure that faced with teenagers and raging hormones, many are petrified of delivering the whole topic.


31 years ago, at the age of 7, I was given my first sex education lesson in a regular county primary school. I recall that thereafter I was left in absolutely no doubt how babies were made, indeed we even saw a film of a baby being born. So far as I know none of the children who attended that class with me went on to have underage pregnancies and indeed I would go so far as to say that we were much more clued in to what it was all about and how important it was that we DIDNT have sex before we were grown-ups, that we were possibly almost too reluctant to experiment at all.


In fact, as a 38 year old, I can also say that a good half of the girls I was at that school with are even yet without children. If anything they went the other way.


I believe I am right in saying that the real evil has not been too much sex education but rather a back lash in the 1980s and possibly later, that fought to restrict education and led to the children I subsequently went to school with in a different authority with different rules, using bloody cling film!


Why do we continue to be scared of telling the truth? Most teenage pregnancies are caused through ignorance, through believing myths and through young people fighting back against those adults that insist on telling them what they are not allowed to do without explaining it all properly.


Sidla, the main reason you smoked was because people told you not to, and just "put their foot down" not because they told you the facts about cancer or about getting smelly breath, dirty fingers, ugly kisses and wasting tons of cash. I bet no-one ever spelt it out to you, showed you photos of diseased organs, or film clips of dying young people with cancer. They just said "NO" and you said "I WILL then"


That is how it is with sex, if you dont properly explain the pitfalls as well as the facts, and just say NO then that is a red rag to a bull where teenagers are concerned.


Neither of you are more than a few years older than teenagers yourselves, cant you remember how it was?


Re all education falling into the hands of children, may I ask who educates the children of parents who were themselves underaged, if we leave it to parents? And who ducates the children of shy parents or deeply religious parents who also want their kids to stay in the dark? And who educates children in care?


When you are hot and sweaty and panting together in an empty house while supposedly babysitting your little sister, and your parents or your teachers have not educated you, but merely told you what not to do, and your hormomes are raging and it all feels so nice, then what is going to stop you?


It wouldnt be fear of an unwanted pregnancy or a damaging STD, not if you didnt know the first thing about either


I wonder if there is a gender gap on this issue, I would be interested to learn if it is men who are against sex education and women who are for it. After all, it is women who principally pay the price in terms of pregnancy and fertility problems in later life for thoughtless actions in their teens.


A fascinating debate, thanks for setting it up


I still maintain that it is not the age that matters so much as the awareness of risk and the degree of common sense that the youngsters possess.

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Originally posted by t020

Bleeding heart liberals? Do gooders?



So Tories dont believe in sex education then?


Does that mean that the rise in teenage pregnancies is a direct correlation to 18 years of Tory rule then?


At last we have the answer







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Originally posted by Belle

So Tories dont believe in sex education then?


Does that mean that the rise in teenage pregnancies is a direct correlation to 18 years of Tory rule then?


At last we have the answer








I never brought political parties into it. The fact is, teachers are often wishy washy liberals, and schools are run by do-gooder governors. The rise in teenage pregnancies coincides with a rise in sex education in school. 'You do the math'.

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Originally posted by Belle

Sidla, the main reason you smoked was because people told you not to, and just "put their foot down" not because they told you the facts about cancer or about getting smelly breath, dirty fingers, ugly kisses and wasting tons of cash. I bet no-one ever spelt it out to you, showed you photos of diseased organs, or film clips of dying young people with cancer. They just said "NO" and you said "I WILL then"

I'm not going to tell you the real reason I started smoking, but actually the reason I started was far stupider than this. I knew it was not a clever thing to do, and I also knew all the risks and didn't intend to keep smoking for the amount of time that I have. But I am a person who has made some really stupid decisions in the past. In a way I'm pleased by this because I've learnt not to take rash decisions and think about things a bit more.

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Originally posted by t020

Since sex education was introduced, teen pregnancies have increased. How long before the lefties see that it simply doesn't work, and should be left to the parents, as and when they feel it appropriate? School sex education tells 11 year olds all about what sex is, using condoms, etc etc, and then come the end of the lesson, "now thats how you do it kids, but don't do it". Like thats going to work. Time to once again leave sex education to the parents and not the school.




If you are talking about the last 20 years, then there has halso been a decrease in the age at which kids hit puberty, presumably this is also due to 'leftie' sex education

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Originally posted by t020

The fact is, teachers are often wishy washy liberals, and schools are run by do-gooder governors. The rise in teenage pregnancies coincides with a rise in sex education in school. 'You do the math'.


t020 you really are getting tiresome with your facts. How many times do you have to be told that facts need to be backed up with your source. What are you learning at Uni? Do they not teach you proper methods?


The fact is teachers are often wishy washy, give me strength.

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Originally posted by t020

How long before the lefties see that it simply doesn't work, and should be left to the parents, as and when they feel it appropriate?


Originally posted by t020

I never brought political parties into it.


Yeah right


Some of us are still just about out of our dotage enough to be able to read

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme



If you are talking about the last 20 years, then there has halso been a decrease in the age at which kids hit puberty, presumably this is also due to 'leftie' sex education


Quite simply, yes. If kids learn about sex earlier they will get those hormones racing earlier.*



*May not actually be true

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Originally posted by t020

Quite simply, yes. If kids learn about sex earlier they will get those hormones racing earlier.*



*Is not actually be true

The fact is that biologically speaking, children in developed western countries such as this one are experiencing a gradual reduction in the age of their sexual maturity.


The average age at which girls reached menarche has slowly reduced from something like 17 in 1890 to 13 in 1985.


Now these changes impose certain biological imperatives, which if left untrammelled are likely to lead to further teenage preganancies and transmission of STDs. Education needs to happen earlier and to be of the right quality.

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